Heavy Metal DETOXIFICATION OF THE BODY Such as 'Chemtrail' Heavy Metals and Graphene Oxide from the BioWeapon.
If you've been injected with the BioWeapon or you know some one who has....'YOU MUST WORK ON HEAVY METAL DETOXING!' It is easy to do.
14:35 min.
What is in CHEMTRAILS and More
The luciferians in political positions of power rained toxic metals of Aluminum, Barium, Strontium, (to name a few) down upon us to infect our bodies with the metals. Then they injected the BioWeapon in to our bodies where the self assembling metal circuit boards/graphene razors go to work building the white amyloid scaffolding antennas with in our bodies.
Chemicals in Chemtrails: Toxic metals and other pollutants from aerosol spraying are damaging our environment and ourselves!
Chelation Health- Chemicals in Chemtrails
6:21 min.
Article: Heavy Metal DETOXIFICATION OF THE BODY Such as 'Chemtrail'
Heavy Metals and Graphene Oxide from the BioWeapon.
Cat's Claw is a Heavy Metal Poisoning REMOVER Cat's Claw breaks the white scaffolding with in veins and arteries, down on a nano and also atomic level. Then Cat’s Claw whisks away the metals carrying them out of the body. Metals are not safe with Cat's Claw lurking around in the blood stream.
by: Dr. Berg - The Best Strategy for Detoxifying Heavy Metals (SAFELY)
5:26 minute video
by: Dr. Josh Axe, DC, DNM, CN Milk Thistle Seeds for your Liver Health and Detoxification of Heavy Metals
by: Dr. Josh Axe, DC, DNM, CN
12 Bentonite Clay Benefits — for the Skin, Gut and More
VERY IMPORTANT: Please go to Dr. Axe's site and read the whole article for instructions on how to take Bentonite Clay.
by: Wise Mind body Healing
They overwhelm the body’s detox mechanisms that’s why we need support.
Top 7 Foods to Rid Your Body of Heavy Metal Toxins.
Organic Chlorella binds to mercury and aluminium to remove from body and promotes liver detoxification. Start on ½ tsp (or 2 tablets) per day added to water with lemon or your favourite juices or smoothies, after 1-2 weeks increase to 1 tsp (or 4 tabs) per day, then after 3 weeks, move up to 2 tsp (or 8-12 tablets) per day.
Organic Spirulina Protein is necessary for the detoxification of the liver. Can also be used in place of protein powders that may be contaminated with heavy metals. Add 1 tsp. daily to water with lemon, juices, smoothies. Take an extra dose on workout days: 8 tablets or sprinkle 1-2 tsp OB Spirulina granules onto your salads, dips, or soups.
Side Note: We adopted an adult live stock guardian. The people we got her from decided to give her ‘all’ her vaxxines to make sure she is healthy. When I first saw her, her eyes where bulging out of her head. I started giving her 1 tsp of Spirulina and Cat’s Claw daily in the mornings for the heavy metals in vaxxines. In 2 days time her eyes started to look like they where not bulging out as much. Today, I still give her Spirulina and Cat’s Claw bark, both glycerin tinctures. She has gone from looking over weight, sickly, lack of shine in her coat, lack of energy to the complete opposite. Her coat is shinny, she has much energy, her eyes are back in her head, she is in really good shape, she no longer looks sickly, but healthy.
Organic Cilantro and Parsley bind to heavy metal toxins and pull them out of the body. Add parsley and cilantro to your green juice. Chop and use fresh as often as possible! Throw in salads. Don’t cook. Too much, too high of heat kills plant phytochemicals.
Cruciferous Vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, collard greens, kale, spinach, etc) Contain antioxidants that increase the production of detoxifying enzymes in the body. Have your green juices with greens, spinach, kale. Add brocolli, brussels sprouts, or cauliflower to salads or as a entree side. Broccoli sprouts are a great addition to salads otherwise purchase Broccomax. Use spinach and baby kale as a salad base. Make half what you eat of these raw, the other half cooked daily.
Organic Turmeric Contains protective compounds for the liver – your major detox organ Juice fresh turmeric 1-2 inches and add to juices, smoothies, marinades. Take a fresh juiced turmeric shot from your local juicer!
Sulfur Rich Foods: Help the body eliminate heavy metals, in particular lead. Replenish body with sulfur (sulfur deficiencies can be caused by heavy metal toxins) Add 3-5 cloves raw garlic into your daily routine, this could be juiced, pesto, marinades, salad dressings. Add raw onion to salads, in soups, and as many dishes as possible. Sauerkraut, shredded cabbage on salads. Have a handful of raspberries plain or over yogurt.
Herbs high in vitamin C, Vitamin C is important for flushing toxins from the body, jump start digestive enzymes. Enjoy as many Vitamin C-rich foods as you can! On cold days, make a HOT Vitamin C rich tea out to Rosehips and Hibiscus, add honey and a little lemon, delicious! On hot days do the same, just add ICE, ICE Baby.
By: Mrs S on Substack
by: Times of India: Cilantro can remove most heavy metals from your body in less than 2 months!
by: All About Juicing: How to eliminate heavy metals in your body by juicing two common herbs
by: Posted by Healthy RD Cilantro for Heavy Metal Detox and How to Use It
Health Benefits Of Clay Detox
Here is just a short list of some of the remarkable health benefits you can expect to see from clay therapy:
Removal of toxic heavy metals and synthetic chemicals accumulated from eating GMO foods, fluoride contamination, radiation and chemotherapy treatments.
Removal of gangrene, infections, parasites, candida yeasts, viruses and bacteria
A healthier gut flora in the digestive system. As many chronic diseases develop due to poor gut health and immune system, getting the gut flora back to balance means a great deal in improving a total wellbeing.
Healthier liver and kidneys. This also will see an improvement of many ailments related to the liver and kidneys.
Revitalized and healing of damages cells and tissues.
A more balanced body pH and reduced body acidity.
Better hair, skin, nails, bones, teeth and joints health.
Overall feeling of wellbeing and having more energy.
Cilantro and parsley juice pulls heavy metal toxins out of your tissues. Drink clay water to bind with the toxins to be escorted out of your body.
Important Pointers Before You Start
It is important to know this before you start on any clay detox:
Be sure to get only high quality, food grade clay. There are also liquid form of the clays but for detox purpose, they are not as effective as the powder clay.
Although Bentonite clay and all other food grade clays are safe for human consumption, it is not recommended for women who are pregnant or nursing. If you are on any prescription medication, check with your doctor before you start any form of detox. The clay may be ingested two hours apart from your medication.
Clays are best to be taken on an empty stomach, either early in the morning or before bed. Do not take any medicines or supplements within two hours of taking clay.
All human grade clays are ground into very fine powder. Take care not to handle these clays in a windy place. Be careful to ensure there is no direct inhalation, nor allow it to get into the eyes. Clay does not dissolve in water easily, so it is advisable to keep stirring (with a wooden spoon) as you drink (or see the other method of making your clay water below).
No matter how good any clay is, DO NOT take more than the recommended dosage. More doesn’t mean better. Eating too much and drinking insufficient water may cause constipation as clay particles can absorb and carry water many times its own weight.
I like to add other ingredients to make my clay water more powerful. My recipe:
1 teaspoon of Bentonite clay
1 teaspoon of organic psyllium husk
½ teaspoon of ginger powder (optional)
½ teaspoon of pure organic castor oil (optional, when doing parasites cleanse)
In a mason jar or a shaker, fill up about 8-10 oz of slightly warm water, add all the ingredients, tighten the lid, shake and drink immediately.
Drink another two full glasses of 8-oz water (another 16-oz) immediately following your clay water mixture. This is important to ensure that you’re properly hydrated, and all the clay goes down.
Clay Therapy With Bentonite Clay
1. How To Take Clay Water
Read about the health benefits Bentonite Clay.
Clay water is tasteless and odorless, but because it doesn’t dissolve in water, there may be a mildly gritty sandy texture as you drink it. You may add clay into your juice, or smoothie to mask the texture, but it’s good just to simply drink it in water.
For a beginner, take 1 teaspoon of clay a day and gradually increase to 2 teaspoons a day (only if you’re drinking sufficient water daily). Take a break after four weeks, then repeat every other month, or whenever you feel your body needs another cleanse.
Monitor for yourself and listen to your body to find the right daily amount that is suitable for you. Being constipated means you’re taking too much and not drinking enough water. If you’re having regular and smooth bowel movements, then you know the amount is right for you. If you looked closely at your excreted stools, you may even see some parasites in the toilet bowl.
As with all detox procedures, you may initially experience some reactions as your body is preparing for toxins to be eliminated. You may experience nausea, headaches, joint pains or skin breakouts. This is sign that the detox is working, but drink more water to help with the toxins elimination. Any symptoms might get a little worse before it gets better but stop, if you don’t feel right about it. Follow your gut feeling.
by: Sara Ding, Detox Specialist, founder of Juicing-for-Health.com.
Dangers of Heavy Metals & How to Do a Heavy Metal Detox Safely
By Dr. Josh Axe, DC, DNM, CN February 14, 2024
Cat's Claw Bark
Botanical Name: Uncaria tomentosa
Origin: Peru
$ 4. 45 for 1/4 lbs of Cat's Claw Bark buy online at $ 11.13 for one pound of Cat's Claw Bark buy online at
In memory of Hal Huggins
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