Hydrogen Peroxide Nebulization and COVID vaxx induced lung disease.
Hydrogen Peroxide Nebulization and COVID Resolution Impressive Anecdotal Results
Orthomolecular Medicine News Service
Hydrogen Peroxide Nebulization and COVID Resolution
Impressive Anecdotal Results
Commentary by Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD
(OMNS May 10, 2021) Recently I took some time off to visit family and friends in Cali, Colombia. During a trip a year and a half ago, I had met a friend of my wife who was in the early stages of what appeared to be a cold, but also possibly an early influenza. My wife said it looked like a typical case of "grippe," the Colombian term for an acute febrile respiratory infection that often proceeds to full-blown influenza. As I had already been experimenting on myself for nearly a year with the nebulization of a number of agents in various combinations for my own chronic sinus and throat problems, I had my nebulizer with me to help me deal with the many pathogens one often encounters in traveling. [1] And I also had my bottle of over-the-counter 3% hydrogen peroxide with me.
Already convinced of the ability of nebulized hydrogen peroxide to rapidly resolve any acute upper respiratory infection, typically viral, I immediately offered our friend the use of my nebulizer. At the time she started inhaling the 3% HP mist, she was literally coughing every 10 seconds or so. After a few minutes of the nebulization, her coughing began to decrease dramatically, along with the appearance of being more relaxed and at ease. She continued the nebulization for 15 minutes or so. When I talked to her the next day, she was coughing very little and had slept exceptionally well. However, it was clear she did not have a 100% clinical resolution, so she returned for another treatment. By the following morning, she was completely well. After she told me of other family members dealing with the same respiratory virus, I decided to leave the nebulizer and bottle of HP with her when I returned to the United States.
Roughly three months after my return, the pandemic had hit, and COVID was rapidly spreading across the entire planet.
Fast forward another year, and I had the pleasure of visiting with my wife's friend again on a return trip to Colombia. The story she related was stunning! I had instructed her earlier to feel free to use HP nebulization for any cold, flu, or upper respiratory tract infection. And that's exactly what she had done.
Over the course of this past year, she treated 20 different individuals with COVID infection. Most of these individuals were already significantly ill with their infections when they first came to her. Seven of the 20 cases had decided to be tested for COVID, and all of them tested positive. The rest had not taken a test, yet they had similar clinical profiles, and they could reliably be assumed to be dealing with COVID infections in the setting of a pandemic. Of particular note is that some of the patients had such advanced infections that severe respiratory difficulty was apparent. In a similar setting in the United States early in 2020, all of the patients having such severe shortness of breath would have been promptly intubated and given mechanically-assisted ventilation on respirator machines.
As she already had some experience with treating colds and flu among friends and family with the HP nebulization, along with what had worked well in her own personal experience, she began all of her "COVID patients" on the following protocol of HP nebulization:
Several milliliters of undiluted 3% hydrogen peroxide was placed in the nebulization chamber that was connected to a tabletop air compressor/pump-style nebulization machine.
Nebulization was initiated with a mask covering the nose and mouth to deliver the nebulized HP into the nose, sinuses, throat, and airways.
Each nebulization was continued for a full 30 minutes. Three treatments a day were given for a full five days.
All of the patients reported significant improvement after the completion of the first 30 minutes of nebulization, including near-immediate improvement in the ease of breathing by those who had the most advanced infections. Some noted nasal and throat irritation with increased mucus production, but all declined the option to dilute the 3% solution as they expressed the desire to resolve their infections as rapidly as possible. After the first two days of nebulization (6 treatments for a total of 180 minutes) all patients felt much better, well on the path to complete resolution of their viral symptoms. At that time some opted to take a 50% dilution (1.5% HP) for the remaining 9 treatments over the last three days. At the end of 5 days, all 20 patients appeared to have achieved complete clinical cures.
Of note, very little to no vitamin or mineral supplementation was taken by this group of patients. And the few who supplemented took substantially lower doses than taken by many in the United States. For example, a typical maximal supplemental dose of vitamin C in Colombia is 500 mg, and even the cost of this makes meaningful supplementation simply not a realistic possibility for most Colombians.
Properly-administered HP nebulization overcomes this lack of supplementation access, and it is the only therapy that can resolve COVID as a monotherapy that possesses all of the following characteristics : [2,3]
Rapidly acting and highly effective
Readily available worldwide
Available over-the-counter without a prescription, and not requiring a doctor visit
Exceptionally inexpensive
Easy to self-administer without the need for a clinic or hospital
Functions well as a monotherapy, not requiring the administration of other drugs or treatment protocols
Nevertheless, functions in synergy with other treatment protocols and never acts counter to any of them
To be clear, I have not had the opportunity to personally observe or hear about very advanced COVID cases treated with HP nebulization and nothing else. However, as described above, when a patient has had typical COVID symptoms along with steadily increasing shortness of breath, an otherwise imminent death clearly appears to be preventable with a vigorous protocol of HP nebulization most of the time. That certainly appears to be the lesson to be learned from these cases of COVID in Cali, Colombia.
This information from my friend in Cali expands even further on the data and evidence presented in my latest book, Rapid Virus Recovery, which was written to spread the word that COVID need not keep so many people around the world paralyzed in fear. It is now clear that 3% HP nebulization for 30 minutes in a total of 15 sessions over a 5-day period can effectively treat nearly all cases of COVID, regardless of how advanced the infection is when the patient is first seen.
Of note, the duration of the successful nebulization sessions for the Colombian patients extended beyond the recommendations in the book. As such, these results mandate that optimal HP concentration should be 3% for most individuals, and nebulization sessions should extend past 15 minutes at a time for many individuals. Lesser concentrations and durations may well resolve COVID, but minimizing morbidity, including the horror of not being able to take a full breath, should be a primary goal as well, and it should be achieved as rapidly as possible in all such patients.
Make no doubt about it, 3% HP nebulization can rapidly eliminate the COVID pandemic worldwide if enough people find out about it and start doing it. Rapid Virus Recovery is available now, in both English or Spanish, as a free download. [4] Please feel free to download it for yourself, and take a moment to pass along the link to as many friends and acquaintances as you can.
Doctor Levy Offers FREE Book to the Public on Curing Respiratory Virus Infections through Hydrogen Peroxide Nebulization
Download and save this book NOW before it is banned from the Internet, as the protocols described in it are now declared illegal.
Vaccine Impact: https://vaccineimpact.com/tag/thomas-e-levy/
(Dr. Thomas E. Levy is board certified in internal medicine and cardiology. He is also an attorney, admitted to the bar in Colorado and in the District of Columbia.)
The 5 Best Nebulizer Machines – https://www.healthwellness365.com/best-nebulizer-machines/
1 drop can equal 0. 045 – 0. 055 ml, assume that 1 drop = 0. 05 ml
So:1 drop or 0. 05 ml of 3% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide contains 0. 0015ml of Hydrogen Peroxide.
To a 5ml Normal Saline Nebulizer add;
1 Drop 3% H2O2 = 5.05ml Total 0. 0015ml or 0.029% H202
2 Drops 3% H2O2 = 5.10ml Total 0. 0030ml or 0.058% H202
3 Drops 3% H2O2 = 5.15ml Total 0. 0045ml or 0.087% H202
4 Drops 3% H2O2 = 5.20ml Total 0. 0060ml or 0.115% H202
5 Drops 3% H2O2 = 5.25ml Total 0. 0075ml or 0.142% H202
6 Drops 3% H2O2 = 5.30ml Total 0. 0090ml or 0.169% H202
7 Drops 3% H2O2 = 5.35ml Total 0. 0105ml or 0.196% H202
8 Drops 3% H2O2 = 5.40ml Total 0. 0120ml or 0.222% H202
9 Drops 3% H2O2 = 5.45ml Total 0. 0135ml or 0.247% H202
10 Drops 3% H2O2 = 5.50ml Total 0. 0150ml or 0.272% H202
Been nebulizing H2O2 for about 25 yrs. I like Levy but.... I prefer the Brownstien or Schallenberger method. 3% neat is much too irritating for me. Plus I like to have an isotonic solution entering the pulmonary parenchyma. Plus, with the Shallenberger method, it can be done multiple times a day, without irritation.