Zeolite WARNING: The truth about zeolites, aluminum and lead: Health Ranger reveals potential dangers and clinical applications of zeolites
Clinoptilolite, while generally regarded as safe for use in health supplements, is not without dangerous, potential side effects.
50 minutes
Thank you to my Aussie friend Sharon Oz on SubStack who brought this information about zeolite to my attention.
by: Mike Adams with NaturalNews
All zeolites contain high concentrations of aluminum and lead. But when zeolites are in granular form, these elements aren't digestible in the human body because intact, granular zeolites pass through your digestive tract like tiny rocks.
However, when zeolites are "micronized" and ground into a very fine powder, high levels of aluminum and lead may be released during the grinding process. If these are consumed orally, they may dramatically increase a person's uptake of lead and aluminum in forms that can be absorbed into the bloodstream... especially if they are not paired with heavy metals "capturing" substances that prevent this absorption from taking place.
Most people do not realize all this, and there seems to be a race in the zeolite industry to produce increasingly fine grinds of zeolites alongside claims that this allows them to pass through the intestinal walls and "cleanse" the blood. This is often accompanied by what I've observed as wildly exaggerated claims that zeolites can somehow extract toxic elements from body tissues and organs and ferret them out of the body.
The problem with this approach is that zeolites often contain anywhere from 10 - 40 ppm of toxic lead and far higher levels of aluminum. My personal upper limit on lead for nutritive supplements is 0.25 ppm lead, meaning that even the "clean" zeolites can contain 40 times more lead than my upper limit. That's why I do not orally consume zeolites as a dietary supplement.
At the same time, zeolites are extremely good at adsorbing radioactive isotopes such as cesium-137 and uranium-235. This makes zeolites potentially extremely useful for blocking the digestive absorption of radioactive isotopes found in contaminated foods grown near Fukushima or Chernobyl.
If all this information is surprising to you, you don't know the full story on zeolites. Hear my full report on zeolites in today's broadcast of the Health Ranger Report at TalkNetwork.com.
Many zeolite formulas are wildly over-hyped
Many people pushing "detox" supplements are wildly over-hyping zeolites and don't understand the fundamentals of inorganic chemistry or analytical testing for elemental composition. I've simply heard way too many "detox gurus" and "raw food gurus" pushing zeolites with claims and marketing copy that I believe to be highly unethical and bordering on negligence. So as a public service, I'm going public with what I know about zeolites.
There is a narrowly-defined safe way to use zeolites and a potentially very unsafe way to use them, in my conclusion. They have great clinical potential for certain applications (such as capturing cesium-137 from radioactive water) but should never be consumed on a day-to-day basis in a micronized format, in my opinion. Marketing claims associated with some zeolites that I've seen are wildly exaggerated and have little basis in physical reality. I've even seen zeolites added to other products to "enhance" them when, in reality, it's just increasing their lead and aluminum concentrations while providing no real benefit.
In my opinion, zeolites should not be consumed daily as a dietary supplement. While they have a narrow clinical use, in my opinion they should only be consumed by well-informed consumers who are preferably operating under the direct care of a well-informed naturopathic physician who can guide you through the potential benefits and pitfalls of this unique substance. If they are consumed at all, they should only be consumed on a temporary basis, in my opinion, and only when the risk of not using zeolites is very high (such as when trying to survive a nuclear fallout scenario where food and water are likely to be contaminated cesium 137).
Zeolites for emergency use only, NOT as a daily dietary supplement
I have personally invented a patent pending zeolite-based cesium-137 "molecular trapping" formula for precisely such emergency purposes, by the way, but I combine these zeolites with a Heavy Metals Defense formula that uses ion exchange minerals (such as calcium) to trap free lead, aluminum and other undesirable elements during digestion.
This formula, known as Cesium Eliminator, is substantiated via ICP-MS elemental analysis laboratory results. It is laboratory validated to be roughly 95% effective at capturing cesium ions in conditions that simulate human digestion. Click here to see the laboratory results.
There, I describe Cesium Eliminator as "Emergency Use Only" with the following language:
Cesium Eliminator is not a daily supplement or "vitamin." It does not contribute any minerals or vitamins to your nutritional needs. It is for emergency use only, to be used only when consuming foods or beverages a person believes may be significantly contaminated with radioactive cesium.
Cesium Eliminator is shelf-stable and is safe to store alongside other preparedness supplies such as emergency medicine or precious metals.
Cesium Eliminator should only be used as a last-ditch resort when you cannot find food or water that's free from radioactive cesium. Your best and first strategy should always be to avoid radioactive food in the first place. But in scenarios of near-starvation when you must eat radioactive cesium isotopes or drink cesium-137-contaminated water in order to live, Cesium Eliminator can bind with cesium isotopes and help your body eliminate them naturally (so that they aren't absorbed into your blood).*
Cesium Eliminator is not a drug and no claims are made for any ability to treat, cure or prevent any disease.
My plan to donate zeolite-based Cesium Eliminator to victims of the next nuclear accident or attack
Importantly I have stockpiled roughly 10,000kg of zeolites and plan to donate Cesium Eliminator to rescue organizations during the next nuclear fallout scenario as an emergency lifesaving dietary supplement to be used under the monitoring of qualified medical personnel.
He Took Zeolite and Saw Blood in His Urine | Interview 2 | The Zeolite Documentary -
11:32 minutes
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Zeolite Warning
Health care expert Jonathan Campbell suggests that while powdered zeolite supplement is insoluble so will be naturally evacuated, liquid zeolite, containing aluminum, can enter the bloodstream.
Because there is no research on human reaction to zeolites it is difficult to assess what an ideal dosage might be and whether or not zeolite supplements would be more beneficial than more recognized supplements; advice tends to be vague.
While not necessarily dangerous, taking zeolite supplements , writes Lijec Vjesn of the Institute Ruder Boskovic, may be considered as effective as clay eating, which was an ancient remedy for various illnesses.