In recent years, researchers have turned to Cat’ Claw as a potent treatment for Covid-19. Studies show Cat's Claw has active compounds, including alkaloids and glycosides, that help combat the virus
Cat's Claw is named that way for a reason. A feline claw is capable of piercing its prey or its enemy through sharpness, speed and precision. In that sense, the herb known commonly as Cat's Claw and by the Latin name Uncaria tomentosa, provides humanity with a remarkably potent antidote to the sharp point at the end of a diabolical syringe. The syringe, modeled on the mosquito, the tick and the forked tongue of a poisonous snake, is the preferred vector for delivery of the biowaeapon at maximum efficiency. The POA - TOA controversy was actually no more than a Big Pharm fake dichotomy to allow for patents and overcharging of patients. TOA free Samento is actually a less powerful version of the original Cat's Claw plant. Naturopaths lacking spiritual wisdom of the heart got suckered and drank the Big Pharma Kool Aid. There is absolutely no evidence that TOA free Cat's Claw is superior to the original, unadulterated plant. Rather the contrary. Cat's Claw is not anti-inflammatory so much as immune-modulatory, hence adaptogenic. This allows it to be so effective in gene regulation. Its success as an anti-metastatic in bowel cancer patients points to this immune modulation. Therefore, it should not be surprising that Cat's Claw can help humanity fight the depopulation agenda activated via the bioweapon (synthetic mRNA viral proteins ignited by HAARP and Darpa frequencies to disturb neuropeptide synthesis and signaling). Cat's Claw is one of nature's great gifts to humankind. Much respect to Geneva for sensing this truth intuitively, and for working tirelessly to awaken people to the healing powers of this amazing plant.
Cat's Claw is named that way for a reason. A feline claw is capable of piercing its prey or its enemy through sharpness, speed and precision. In that sense, the herb known commonly as Cat's Claw and by the Latin name Uncaria tomentosa, provides humanity with a remarkably potent antidote to the sharp point at the end of a diabolical syringe. The syringe, modeled on the mosquito, the tick and the forked tongue of a poisonous snake, is the preferred vector for delivery of the biowaeapon at maximum efficiency. The POA - TOA controversy was actually no more than a Big Pharm fake dichotomy to allow for patents and overcharging of patients. TOA free Samento is actually a less powerful version of the original Cat's Claw plant. Naturopaths lacking spiritual wisdom of the heart got suckered and drank the Big Pharma Kool Aid. There is absolutely no evidence that TOA free Cat's Claw is superior to the original, unadulterated plant. Rather the contrary. Cat's Claw is not anti-inflammatory so much as immune-modulatory, hence adaptogenic. This allows it to be so effective in gene regulation. Its success as an anti-metastatic in bowel cancer patients points to this immune modulation. Therefore, it should not be surprising that Cat's Claw can help humanity fight the depopulation agenda activated via the bioweapon (synthetic mRNA viral proteins ignited by HAARP and Darpa frequencies to disturb neuropeptide synthesis and signaling). Cat's Claw is one of nature's great gifts to humankind. Much respect to Geneva for sensing this truth intuitively, and for working tirelessly to awaken people to the healing powers of this amazing plant.