1 Comment

Thank you Geneva, wonderful article and advice.

Additional information for proper absorption of vitamin "D" through the source of our magnificent sun: Roll up your sleeves, wear shorts or bathing wear, for optimal results - Do not over do your time in the sun. Sunburned dermis, is no fun. Do not wear unnatural sunscreens (these are harmful and may cause cancer). In stead, why not give aloe vera or your choice of organic products - Which also contribute to keeping our waters toxin free. Best times of the day for maximum absorption of vitamin "D", are between the hours of 10:00am - Noon and again in the mid afternoon, from 3:00pm - 5:00pm. Be sure never to look directly into the sun, as this can burn your retinas. Please do not forget to also have by your side, plenty of H2O, as hydration is key in maintaining a healthy body. For added enjoyment and healing, one may also choose to remove their shoes and socks to take a walk on the earth (Earthing or grounding), unobstructed for fifteen minutes a day can aid in healing of several ailments including depression. Get back to nature, 'Just for the health of it!' Blessings ~

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