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Feb 28
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OMGoodness Brad, thank you for the links. Cat's Claw was helpful in getting the graphene oxide out of my mother. Do you need any help with detoxing from the BioWeapon?

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I hear good news about modified pectin. The ingredients look good, but I have a hard time trusting otc and big pharma pills. If it is not tainted with the BioWeapon, then it looks like a really good product! Thanks for the link Rosalind.

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A few years before lockdown, I did a heavy metal detox by Metagenics ( clear renew) with my doctor. It was sooooo painful and very helpful. Mold illness got me having a huge parasite and heavy metal overload. Doing the Ritchie Shoemaker protocol. Pure resin cholestyramine helps me bind the junk and sweep it out ( leaky gut makes detox challenging)

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Where are you in your detox?

I recommend 'Slippery Elm Bark' and 'Marshmallow Root' for your leaky gut syndrome: https://superfoodjournal.com/slippery-elm-bark-ibs-gi-disease/

Why Should Marshmallow Root And Slippery Elm Be In Your Leaky Gut Supplement?


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Those are great recommendations for leaky gut. I'd add DMSO as well, to increase their effectiveness, and abet the anti inflammatory properties.

Great post!

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DMSO is great stuff. I have a paper coming out on DMSO in a few weeks.

Thank you for your informative comment.

The more we share, the more we know.

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Sounds like great advice.

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I read articles on substack explaining how some supplements or "vitamin" supplements are produced. Have you looked into the manufacturing process of supplements, like those you suggest?

Some even question what vitamins actually are and claim they have never been actually shown to exist (e.g. isolation, microscopy).

Also, viruses have not been shown to exist to this day.

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I'm all in with the diet concept (terrain), but would question the supplements.

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As far as detoxing and cleansing your blood, I go with herbs and food such as parsley and cilantro for heavy metal removal from the body.

This is from a draft paper I am working on:

Why You Should Cleanse Your Blood with Herbal Blood Cleansers

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I hope I was helpful.

❤️ Any other questions IgorPM?

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Hello there. Is this comment for me or Rosalind?

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For who likes to chime in...

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But I guess it was a comment on your article about detoxing, Geneva.

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I do not wholly trust otc or pharma supplements. I have a husband who is very intuitive. When we buy Ivermectin horse paste, he looks at the box intuitively. He can tell if it is tainted with he BioWeapon or not. We have not bought any otc or pharma products as we buy herbs for what ails us. We only buy Ivermectin horse paste. So far, not one single box of Ivermectin horse paste has been tainted here in Washington state.

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Your instincts are correct Geneva,https://unhackableanimal.substack.com/p/masterpeace-take-some-nanos-to-detox

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Thank you for the link and for sharing John❣️

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12 Herbs That Kill Parasites Naturally - https://substack.com/home/post/p-137960345

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As far as viruses, I am 50% with Dr. Merritt on the subject, viruses may not exist. I am still on the fence.

I think what is being called viruses may be some thing else such as bacteria. Why does antibiotics work on bacterial infections?

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Viruses as far as the official definition have not been shown to exist, e.g. look at the extensive work of Dr Stefan Lanka. Then there is the Farewell to Virology paper by Dr Mark Bailey you might want to look at. A very good summary of both historical background and scientific work about this and contagion is Daniel Roytas Can you catch a cold.

Bacteria are well known and studied, can be seen and looked at when they do their job. Antibiotics are "kill-em-all" products, so, yeah, should work to kill bacteria. Unfortunately they might kill more than "necessary". I don't take antibiotics for years any more as I had stomach and gut problems when taking them.

Thanks, Geneva, and have a nice day.

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Oh, and you could look at the ViroLIEgy website, extensive work there, too, and the Perth Group about HIV. There is also Next Level in Germany.

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And, you might want to read the Wuhan paper about how they "isolated" Sarskofftwo and will see the flaws. It's not rocket science. It's like the potions we as five-year-olds made in the backyard and pointing to the broth shouting: a virus, mom, I found a virus! :-)

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Dr. Ruby and Dr. Merritt: https://rumble.com/v4gdoa0-the-spike-protein-is-a-lie-dr.-jane-ruby-and-dr.-lee-merritt.html 1 hour

Dr. Merritt mentions she does not believe viruses are real. She also mentions other things that are interesting.

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From what I understand there has never been even one study published that proves viruses cause disease.Most important is cheating heavy metals from the chemtrails and inoculations,https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Heavy_Metal

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Thank you Igor. Haven't taken antibiotics for years either.

We have a small herbal pharmacy in our home.

20 of the Best Antiviral and Antibacterial Herbs and Plants Ever! - https://genevathatcher.substack.com/p/20-of-the-best-antiviral-and-antibacterial

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IMHO the focus should be on terrain, not on anti-anything, neither herb-anti-non-existing-viruses nor herb-anti-bacterium. Bacteria are our friends, we should take best care possible of them.

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But I understand that a human body can be overwhelmed with some disease, so I think herbs have their place in taking care of oneself.

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❤️ Thanks you guys for your support. Very much appreciated. You make me laugh. Your like a group of people who suddenly show up in a positive way. Again, thank you.

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Excellent article. As someone who's been detoxing for two years, I recommend Theuniversalantidote.com it's one stop shopping for a thorough detox/ cleanse and curing protocol. The only thing out there that did it all.

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Thank you Deb for sharing and caring❣️

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Hallo,I am here to surch help from graphene oxide.I am magneticed at my skin,along my head an for shure it crossed my brain blood barriere allready.Its teribble because it develops into my arms and legs.I try Ivermectin,it helps a little bit,but not much and I dont get it out of my body.I get trough the grapheneoxid fever,silent inflammation,inflammation of the Center of my cell.I feel how the Graphen is cutting my veins sharp like a razzor.i believe the graphene make the the meter long clots inside the blood and I have them in my arms and legs.What can I doe.the graphene destroy also my mithochondria,I am bedridden most of the time I cant wake up.Here in my country the are silent about that crime.These people put the pcr-tests swab into my nose,they protected theirself with clothes like a Astronaut,they knew for shure what the are doing,that they steal my life.when i look at my face,I see how its swollen at one place and how its look like an graphene implanting.Does light or a nother magnet has a Affect?can I demagneticed the graphene?Is there any hope?Please dont reccomand chlorine dioxide,I swallow it a half year,it was bitter and didnt helped me.Also a lot of all this diffrent supplements,they did nothing.Only weist money.Thanks for evrybody read my long,horrible horrific tragody and journey with this poison,I hope their is a way,to get healthy again.I want to live I dont have a husband or family to help me,I cant work wie this condition and I cant walk also,because the graphene gets into my legs and spinal cord.Please help.Thank you for evry respond or Private message.

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Hello Aminata. You seem to be very sick. I am sorry you are sick and bed ridden with this evil BioWeapon. There is much you can do to fight back. I will share with you what I know.

You need to get on Cat's Claw as soon as you can. Cat's Claw will take care of the Graphe Oxide. It will also stop the graphe from cutting up your veins from the inside. CC will repair your cut up veins from the inside.

Cat's Claw is a heavy metal remover.

Cat's Claw will also take care of the long clots as it breaks up the long clots on a atomic and subatomic level, then it removes the clots and metals from your body. You should get on Ginko biloba for the clots too. Cat's claw and Ginko both will stop the micro-clotting and the long clots.

Ginko biloba and Cat's Claw are both 'ANTI-MUTAGENIC' herbs. They stop the mRNA from turning your cells in to Spike Protein factories. They stop the mutation of super cancers.

Ginko and Cat's claw both will help your blood pressure, your heart, your blood circulation and stop the micro-clotting.

Cat's Claw also boost your immunity so you can fight the cancers and parasites back.

Cat's Claw is also an Anti-Parasitic herb. When you start to remove the parasites and micro-organisms, you will start to feel better.

You also need to take Ivermectin.

Cat's Claw stops the mRNA, which stops the production of Spike Proteins. Ivermectin binds to the Spike Proteins and removes them from the body.

There is more, but I am going to stop for now. I do not want to over whelm you with info. Does what I wrote you about Cat's Claw, Ginko biloba and Ivermectin make sense to you?

What country are you in?

Are you able to get Cat's Claw bark and Ginko biloba? NOT SUPPLEMENTS, but loose herb?

Can you get Ivermectin?

If you can not secure Cat's Claw and Ginko biloba, there are other plants such as edible pine needles we can use to make you better. Pine needles are free and world wide.

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Hallo Geneva,yes it makes sense to me about the Cats Claw and Ginko biloba,I can get them as a supplement but I dont know where to get the herb,I have to look.When I find herb,how much I have to order and what I have to doe or how I have to use it as a herb.I can get Ivermecitin yes,12 mg.You dont overwhelm me,the healing yourney of your mother gives me hope.Thx

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I try so much what people reccomand to me,alpha liphon acid,serapeptasse,curcumin,methylene blue,Natokinasse,artemisinin.nothing helps.special the place where is the magnetic graphene oxide it develops again and again like a self-assembling structure.is it possible to stop that self-assembling mechanism?

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I wonder if you are taking enough of your arsenal.

It is possible to stop the self assembling nanobots. The nano is made of metal. Cat’s Claw removes the metal assembling nanobots. So does cilantro and parsley.

HOW TO DETOXIFY FROM VACCINATIONS & HEAVY METALS https://genevathatcher.substack.com/p/how-to-detoxify-from-vaccinations

Aminata, I have to get going now. I will be here tomorrow to go over more with you. For now, please go over all I have given you to read.

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Hallo Geneva,

ok,thanks.we hear from each other.Thank you also for your will to help me,and all your information.


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I go over all you have been giving me to read.

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I am here should you need any help Aminata.

Hang in there dear.

God Bless you.

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I drink also peenneedle tea from fresh her more month,it doesnt change any symptoms.I read they create the bioweapons with diffrent kind of poison and also gene manipulating,so that a cure is hard to not possible at some cases. Is gene manipulated a long life?

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Pine needle tea is very good against the BioWeapon. If it is not helping you, you may not be drinking it enough. You should be drinking pine needle tea 1 tsp about 5 times per day.

You may need pine needle essential oil, take pine needle essential oil with 1 tsp of coconut oil for bio-absorbability.

by: Dr. Arianna Love: https://drloveariyana.substack.com/p/dr-ariyana-loves-anti-shedding-maintenance

(5) The essential oil of pine needles taken orally, effectively kills all parasites in your body when taken daily for 3-4 months and at the correct dosage. You can blend the pine needle oil with geranium. To effectively kill harmful bacteria, use angelica root and peppermint.

Order Young Living essential oils https://www.youngliving.com/us/en/product/pine-essential-oil using my Brand Partner ID # 37904828.

Pine needle oil dosage: Start with 3-5 drops, twice daily. After 3-7 days, increase to 6 drops twice daily. After another 3-7 days, increase to 9 drops, twice daily. After another 3-7 days, increase to 15 drops twice daily.

Peppermint essential oil: Start with 3 drops twice daily. After 3-7 days, increase to 6 drops twice daily.

Angelica essential oil: Start with 3-5 drops twice daily. After 3-7 days, increase to 6 drops twice daily.

The cure is not just one thing. It is a little bit of this and a little bit of that. Every thing works together synergistically to heal your body.

You also need vitamin C, D, Zinc, Quercetine, Shakimic acid, etc.

You can find the following in the AntiShedding/AntiBioWeapon tea:

Anti-BioWeapon/AntiShedding Tea has HCQ, Shikimic Acid, EGCg, ZINC, Quercetine, Anti-Oxidants, Anti-Parasitic, Anit-Cancer, Anti-Inflammatory, Anti-Mutagenic, AntiParasitic, Vit. D, E, C, A, E, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, B12 to fight the covid BioWeapon Injections and Shedding. https://genevathatcher.substack.com/p/anti-shedding-anti-covid-anti-venom

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ANTI-MUTAGENIC HERBS Cat's Claw, Ginko biloba, Turmeric and Sweet Wormwood will stop the genetic manipulation.

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I find cats claw and Ginkgo biloba loose herb.how much i need and how I have to preapare them?Is Glycerin for the place where the graphene is under the skin?

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If you can find Cat’s Claw, (CC) and Ginko biloba loose herb, you will want to take 1 tsp of CC 5 times per day, 5000 mg per day.

Ginko biloba you take 1 tsp 3 times per day.

If you want to make a tincture out of CC and Ginko biloba, which I recommend, you will need vodka for the tinctures. If you do not want alcohol in your body, then you make a glycerin tincture.

Vodka makes a more potent tincture.

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You will also need Sweet Wormwood, Artemesia annua to help you with the parasites and It is a powerful AntiMutagenic herb.

Ginko biloba is an AntiMutagenic herb.

Cat’s Claw is an AntiMutagenic herb, AntiParasitic and Parasite disruptor.

With Cat’s Claw, Sweet Wormwood and Ivermectin the parasites will be gone.

If you can afford it, I recommend you get 1 lbs of each herb, loose.

I also recommend you get Ivermectin horse paste.

You need to detox from the BioWeapon for 3 months with CC, Ivermectin, Turmeric, Ginko and Sweet Wormwood.

If you take these herbs and Ivermectin for detox, in 2 months or less, your legs will be down in size and you will feel much better.

It is possible you may need some more herbs depending on what is ailing you, but this is good for now.

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I'm sorry Aminata, I did not understand your question. As sick as you are, I recommend you get 1 lbs bags of loose herb. You must make sure you are buying the correct type of Cat's Claw bark, preferably root if possible. Root is prohibited in some countries to keep Cat's Claw from becoming endangered. You want 'Uncaria tomentosa,; preferably Peruvian Cat's Claw bark.

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'Is Glycerin for the place where the graphene is under the skin?'

Glycierin is a way of making tincture with out alcohol vodka for animal pets, children and adults who do not want 'alcohol' tincture.

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While you take CC and do your heavy metal poisoning detox, eat your cruciferous vegetables, drink your clay water, graphene will come out of you. It takes a few weeks to notice the graphene oxide coming out of your body, it will come out.

Please look for black specs in your 'white' underwear and in the toilet when you pee. Let me know when you see the black specs. Around the time you see the black specs, you will most likely begin to itch all over your body. The itching is from the graphene coming out of your body via your skin, causing itching.You might feel 'sharp' tiny objects on your skin, that is graphene oxide coming out.

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Did sombody try cats claw against the exposure of grapheneoxid?

Thx for evry answer.

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I tried it with my mother. Her hands went from black graphene back to pink. Cat’s Claw removes the Graphene oxide from the body.

Cat’s Claw helps you detox from the following:


Graphene oxide

Heavy Metals

Blood clots

White Amyloid Scaffolding with in veins and arteries of lower extremities

Protects you heart

Protects you from blood clots

Protects your brain

Stops Spike Proteins

Stop the mRNA from mutating cells in to Spike Protein factories

and so on.

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I did read the substack how your mother heald.I am so happy for her.Ivermectin I take allreday,but it doesnt help full to recover.It helps little bit against my symptoms.Doe I need the cats claw Glycerin tincture or could it be supplements?

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Ivermectin binds and removes the Spike Protein, but it does not stop the Spike Proteins and mutations.

Cat's claw and Ginko biloba are 'AntiMutagenic' herbs.

They stop the mRNA from mutating the cells in to Spike Protein factories and stop mutations of cancer cells.

Cat's Claw does much more against the BioWeapon.

Ginko and Cat's Claw together stop heart inflammation, get circulation going, calm blood pressure, reduce heart pain.

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"Exercise Sweating, breathing hard, and moving help detoxify the body"

Thank you for a tremendously important article on detoxing. I would only suggest you add a 'CAUTION' to the recommendation to exercise. The presence of Graphine Oxide - the nano sized razor blade found in some of the vaccines - is what has killed athletes and young people performing sports activities. We've probably all seen the troubling videos of athletes dropping dead on a sports field.

In a normal world with normal toxins, excercise is key, but in this present situation with these purposefully dangerous ingredients, exercise can be lethal. The problem remains, how to determine what was in the vaccines given - if someone took them.

My suggestion is to FIRST perform a detox that is known to remove the Graphine Oxide safely from the body, before adding strenuous activity to the detox regime.

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You are right. I decided it was best to remove the 'exercise' paragraph.

Thank you VJCBingham❣️

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Hallo Geneva,yes I am very sick and bedridden by this evil Bioweapon.Thank you for your replies first.I will read your message now,and answer.Thank you much Geneva kind regards Aminata ❤️‍🩹

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How did you find out that your mother had black graphene in her hands?The problem I have is,the graphene in my body is magnetic,maybe that's the reason why its so hard to get it out.

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We could see the palms of her hands were black, her hand veins were black. With Cat's Claw, Ginko biloba and Ivermectin her hands went back to pink.

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The graphene is not hard to get out for CC. It does not matter if the metal is magnetic, it come out with Cat's Claw. CC is a 'Heavy Metal Poisoning Remover.'

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I developed a kidney stone (big ouch) and was having serious abdominal muscle spasms after I started using stevia. Never had a problem since quitting the stuff, will never use again.

“In fact, stevia requires major caution because there is evidence that it is pharmacologically active after consumption with endocrine disrupting properties (see BPA: Should We Be Worried?) and antimicrobial effects that can negatively impact the gut microbiome…” https://www.thepaleomom.com/trouble-with-stevia/

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You poor thing. Kidney stones are so painful. I have seen buff, grown men crying from kidney stone pain.

Does Chanca Piedra really work for breaking kidney stones? https://www.kidneystoners.org/treatment/how-effective-is-chanca-piedra-at-breaking-kidney-stones/

Stevia: https://www.mentalfoodchain.com/stevia-side-effects/

Stevia Side Effects Can Be Bad for You

Unlike some artificial sweeteners, Stevia can most likely be neither carcinogenic nor harmful to the kidneys.

Nevertheless, one cannot deny the pharmacological effect of stevia.

Therefore, recent studies suggest that stevia may affect the following functions and components of the human body:

Hormone balance


Gut microbiome

Ultimately, no human studies examine the full range of stevia side effects – especially none that address fertility.

Although occasional consumption of small amounts of stevia is unlikely to cause severe side effects, I would not use the sweetener daily.

Stevia Side Effects FAQ

What are the negative effects of stevia?

The main disadvantages of stevia are that the sweetener can affect hormone balance, fertility, and intestinal flora.

Is stevia as bad as artificial sweeteners?

Stevia might be as bad as artificial sweeteners, especially for people with problems with hormone balance, fertility, or intestinal flora.

Is stevia safer than Splenda?

Stevia is probably safer than Splenda. But it might be the worse choice for people with hormone balance, fertility, or gut health issues.

Is stevia worse than sugar?

A general disadvantage of stevia 🍬 is that it can fuel cravings and alter the gut microbiome. From this point of view, it might be worse than sugar.

I did not know that about Stevia. I've been using it for years. I do not use stevia alone, I use it in blends I buy from Azure Standard. I will stop buying and promoting stevia.

❤️ Thank you for bringing this to my attention.

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Where did you see Stevia in one of my papers?

I want to remove it 😉

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DeTox is no longer a fad it is an awakening! The Mediterranean Diet, DMSO, Methylene Blue, CL02 these are tools beyond the Fools Dementia Alert propaganda these days. Yes, Ivermectin is once again attacked but simply look at the past 50 years of results!!

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Hello Dr. Don Hall,

I agree, detox is necessary now days: BioWeapon detoxing from Spike Proteins, Hydrogel, graphen oxide, heavy metals, parasites, nanobots, Chemtrails, mRNA and so on.

I think Ivermectin is a very safe drug. It won the Nobel Peace Prize. Has been around for a long time. If you take too much, you get the runs. Ivermectin propaganda: Some one made a comment explaining how Ivermectin is turning people in to zombies. Had all kinds of 'propaganda' back up to prove it. If this were true, where are all the Ivermectin zombies from the past several decades of Ivermectin use, (as you point out).

We have never been able to secure human people pills of Ivermectin. We have always bought Ivermectin horse paste, 1.87% and followed the directions on the box according to weight.

Don't know what to think about the 'tainting' of Ivermectin with the BioWeapon. We've never had tainted Ivermectin horse paste.

I understand Indian Ivermectin is 'clean'.

Thank you for your comment❣️

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Agree. I use Ivermectin according to weight as well. Also, as for negative reports, this late in the last 100 years? just defeats common sense

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'negative reports, this late in the last 100 years? just defeats common sense.'

Absolutely right Dr. Hall. It is propaganda for sure. I hope and pray the propaganda is obvious to the average person. I sent the zombie person some articles on Ivermectin's safety. That person was either mis-information or ignorant to Ivermectin truth.

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I recently had an MRI after an auto accident I was in to make sure I had no internal injuries or head injuries. Little did I know that the guy they were putting into my veins to more easily read the results was gadolinium.

No I am suffering from gadolinium depository disease something I had never heard of and knew nothing of until after this MRI. Right after I got the MRI the next day I had extreme shoulder pain and neck pain and head problems which I hadn't had previously! The whites of my eyes got yellow and I felt very very ill. I started looking on the internet to see what could have caused this and I had the symptoms of gadolinium depository disease which mostly affects middle-aged women of European descent. It's been 3 months now and I'm still suffering been doing heavy metal detoxes lots of cilantro everything I can think of as well as the gerson therapy program. Please learn from my mistake don't let them put that dye in your system if you go to get an MRI and if you do have to get it refused the dye.

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BRA, I am so so sorry for you. You poor dear. How horrible. I had some kind of MRI where they put some sort of radioactive dye in to me. I got so sick I thought I was going to die. A friend who worked at a homepathic pharmacy brought some homeopathics to me and by the next day I was better.

You say you've been taking in cilantro, very good. Did you drink any clay water to bind to the metals the cilantro is pulling out of your body tissues? If not, I imagine the metals are circulating in your body causing problems.

I never heard of Gadolinium, but if it is metal and it is, we can get it out of you. I have to go now. I'll be back. I need to check on some one I am helping in chats.

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Okay, I'm back now. There are herbs that will remove gandolinium heavy metal poisoning from your body.

These are the 'Most Effective' Herbs for Heavy Metal Poisoning such as:




Cat's claw bark



Organic apple cider vinegar

Burdock root

Citrus pectin

Milk thistle






Pau d Arco

and much more that are 'effective:'

* means the herbs are 'Super Effective.'

I do not agree with treatments that produce side effects like EDTA:

Treatment Possibilities for Gadolinium Toxicity: https://thehealthcoach1.com/treatment-possibilities-for-gadolinium-toxicity/

Epsom salt baths

Another idea that may have merit is Epsom salt baths because of their ability to get the salts, particularly magnesium into the body and the muscles. The anecdotal evidence is that they may reduce some of the pain associated with Gadolinium Toxicity.

Supplements such as Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) and N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC), have chelating properties

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It is very important to drink clay water/juice to bind to the metal and remove it from your body. If you just pull the metal out of your tissues, it floats around causing havoc. Do you have any edible clay such as bentonite clay?

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Health Benefits Of Clay Detox

Here is just a short list of some of the remarkable health benefits you can expect to see from clay therapy:

Removal of toxic heavy metals and synthetic chemicals accumulated from eating GMO foods, fluoride contamination, radiation and chemotherapy treatments.

Removal of gangrene, infections, parasites, candida yeasts, viruses and bacteria

A healthier gut flora in the digestive system. As many chronic diseases develop due to poor gut health and immune system, getting the gut flora back to balance means a great deal in improving a total wellbeing.

Healthier liver and kidneys. This also will see an improvement of many ailments related to the liver and kidneys.

Revitalized and healing of damages cells and tissues.

A more balanced body pH and reduced body acidity.

Better hair, skin, nails, bones, teeth and joints health.

Overall feeling of wellbeing and having more energy.


Cilantro and parsley juice pulls heavy metal toxins out of your tissues. Drink clay water to bind with the toxins to be escorted out of your body.

Important Pointers Before You Start

It is important to know this before you start on any clay detox:

Be sure to get only high quality, food grade clay. There are also liquid form of the clays but for detox purpose, they are not as effective as the powder clay.

Although Bentonite clay and all other food grade clays are safe for human consumption, it is not recommended for women who are pregnant or nursing. If you are on any prescription medication, check with your doctor before you start any form of detox. The clay may be ingested two hours apart from your medication.

Clays are best to be taken on an empty stomach, either early in the morning or before bed. Do not take any medicines or supplements within two hours of taking clay.

All human grade clays are ground into very fine powder. Take care not to handle these clays in a windy place. Be careful to ensure there is no direct inhalation, nor allow it to get into the eyes. Clay does not dissolve in water easily, so it is advisable to keep stirring (with a wooden spoon) as you drink (or see the other method of making your clay water below).

No matter how good any clay is, DO NOT take more than the recommended dosage. More doesn’t mean better. Eating too much and drinking insufficient water may cause constipation as clay particles can absorb and carry water many times its own weight.

I like to add other ingredients to make my clay water more powerful. My recipe:

1 teaspoon of DE or Bentonite clay

1 teaspoon of organic psyllium husk

½ teaspoon of ginger powder (optional)

½ teaspoon of pure organic castor oil (optional, when doing parasites cleanse)

In a mason jar or a shaker, fill up about 8-10 oz of slightly warm water, add all the ingredients, tighten the lid, shake and drink immediately.

Drink another two full glasses of 8-oz water (another 16-oz) immediately following your clay water mixture. This is important to ensure that you’re properly hydrated, and all the clay goes down.

Clay Therapy With Diatomaceous Earth Or Bentonite Clay

1. How To Take Clay Water

Read about the health benefits of Diatomaceous Earth and Bentonite Clay.

Clay water is tasteless and odorless, but because it doesn’t dissolve in water, there may be a mildly gritty sandy texture as you drink it. You may add clay into your juice, or smoothie to mask the texture, but it’s good just to simply drink it in water.

For a beginner, take 1 teaspoon of clay a day and gradually increase to 2 teaspoons a day (only if you’re drinking sufficient water daily). Take a break after four weeks, then repeat every other month, or whenever you feel your body needs another cleanse.

Monitor for yourself and listen to your body to find the right daily amount that is suitable for you. Being constipated means you’re taking too much and not drinking enough water. If you’re having regular and smooth bowel movements, then you know the amount is right for you. If you looked closely at your excreted stools, you may even see some parasites in the toilet bowl.

As with all detox procedures, you may initially experience some reactions as your body is preparing for toxins to be eliminated. You may experience nausea, headaches, joint pains or skin breakouts. This is sign that the detox is working, but drink more water to help with the toxins elimination. Any symptoms might get a little worse before it gets better but stop, if you don’t feel right about it. Follow your gut feeling.

by: Sara Ding, Detox Specialist, founder of Juicing-for-Health.com.

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Please forgive me if I am giving you information you already have tried. If herbs do not work, we can try homepathic remedies. I do not always agree with homeopathics, but if it works...

With herbs it is not always 'one thing' like a conventional medicine pill. It is a little of this and a little of that. Herbs work together and synergize each other against what ails you. There are situations that only require one herb to fix things.

Are you on any medications?

Are you injected or infected with the BioWeapon?

Stay away from hospitals please. Now days the hospitals inject you with the covid BioWeapon with out you knowing it. Is there a possibility you were injected with the BioWeapon?

A lady I am helping to detox from the BioWeapon, her father went to have a knee replacement, they injected him with the BioWeapon. He came home very sick. He was dying for 2 months. Finally she told me about him, asking why he was sick? The symptoms were classic BioWeapon, heart pain, difficulty breathing, legs swelling up and painful to walk. He is on Cat's claw , Ivermectin and a few other herbs, he is already doing much better.

11 years ago, I got hit by a truck while riding my bicycle. I ended up with a very bad Tramatic Brain Injury. My helmet had a big dent in it where my head hit a rock the size of my pillow. Thank God the emergency doctor did not know what to do for me. We left the hospital. I took nootropic and oxygenating brain herbs for brain and pain. To this day I have no memory, I am thankful I did not get an MRI of any kind.

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Different Types of Edible Clay: Bentonite, Kaolin, and Beyond https://kopabanausa.com/different-types-of-edible-clay-bentonite-kaolin-and-beyond/

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Please no zeolite: Zeolite WARNING: The truth about zeolites, aluminum and lead: Health Ranger reveals potential dangers and clinical applications of zeolites - https://genevathatcher.substack.com/p/zeolite-warning-the-truth-about-zeolites

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I hope you like to eat cruciferous veggies RAW with Ranch dressing or your favorite creamy salad dressing.

Food Revolution: https://foodrevolution.org/blog/heavy-metals/

Heavy Metal Detox Food #1 — Cruciferous Vegetables: Your liver has enzymes that work to flush toxins from your body.

You can boost the efficacy of these enzymes by eating cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, bok choy, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, and kale.

Heavy Metal Detox Food #4 — Probiotics

Probiotics may also play a role in helping your body clear away heavy metals.

Research shows Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium lactis bacteria are effective in reducing oral lead exposure in the brains of rats.

A 2014 study published in the journal American Society for Microbiology looked at the effects of probiotics on mercury and arsenic absorption in the body. The researchers found that yogurt infused with Lactobacillus rhamnosus was protective for pregnant women against mercury absorption by up to 36% and against arsenic by up to 78%.

Heavy Metal Detox Food #6 — Black Sesame Seeds

Black sesame seeds may also help remove heavy metals from the body.

Research indicates that their ability to bind lead, cadmium, and mercury may be due to powerful phytochemicals known as lignans. Black sesame seeds seem to bind more effectively to these heavy metals than to lighter essential metals, like iron, calcium, and zinc.

How do you use them? You can easily sprinkle black sesame seeds onto most any dish or even add them to smoothies. A delicious way to detox!

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I suggest you consider taking Milk thistle seeds as it will protect your liver and expel heavy metals from your liver which is your body's filter. You can make a tea out of it or you can make a tincture. If you need help making tinctures, please let me know. I can help you in chats.

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I've been doing the Epsom salt baths been juicing parsley, cilantro, tumeric, pineapple green drink which has really lowered the pain. I've not tried the clay water but will. I also juice organic carrot Apple beet Ginger and celery daily along with coffee enemas which also helps a lot with the pain.

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You are doing every thing right, except the binding of the metals to remove them from your body. I am happy you will give the clay water/juice drink a try. It is imperative to remove the metals from your body. I think that is where you need the most help, removing the metals from your blood. I think you will feel much better after the clay drink. Please let me know how you are doing after the clay drink.

Also RAW garlic, as much as you can stand and cruciferous vegetables as much as possible.

Foods That Help You to Detox from Harmful Heavy Metals https://healthgroovy.com/foods-to-help-detox-from-harmful-heavy-metals/

Broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, and cabbage contain sulfurous compounds mobilizing mercury, cadmium, and lead from tissues into urine and feces for removal. Regularly including these colorful protectors complements periodic https://globalhealing.com/products/heavy-metal-chemical-cleanse through intrinsic purging systems sensitively. Their versatility integrates enjoyment alongside tangible health perks.

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