Thank you for the link.

'Closes the case on Cholesterol and Statins!' Sounds like the video and I agree.

There is no such thing as bad cholesterol. Cholesterol is brain feeding food. Bad Cholesterol was made up to make money. With out Cholesterol, our brains shrivel up and starve. My mother got Alzheimer's from Rx lipitor which removed blood cholesterol causing her to get Alzheimer's disease.

Our bodies make Cholesterol. Cholesterole is necessary for brain function, synthesis of neurotransmitters and brain cell integrity. If Cholesterol is so bad, then why our bodies make it?

Pharma made up lies about good and bad Cholesterol to make money off of us and give us Alzheimer's disease. These CEOs of drug companies need to be put in to prison for all the people they hurt, maimed and lives ruined.

No Such Thing as Bad Cholesterol: Dispelling the Marketing Myth: https://www.naturalnews.com/022553_medical_myths_cholesterol.html

Bad Cholesterol Does Not Exist: Time to Put The Myth To Rest: https://www.sott.net/article/242948-Bad-Cholesterol-Does-Not-Exist-Time-to-Put-The-Myth-To-Rest

As you know We, avoid statin drugs. Eat healthy delicious foods that are fiber rich.

Thanks for the link comment. Good subject to get in to.

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Ivor is one of my favorites.....

It's very sad that most people are conditioned to believe (through fear) that all of their problems can be cured by taking a pill. All the while, they are being poisoned.

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So sad indeed. I use to see elderly patients come to see the doctor and leave with a prescription. A week or 2 later they'd be back for induced side effect problems, leave with another, 'new' prescription. On and on this went until the elderly person had 30 Rx prescriptions, very sick and a year later or 2 later, suddenly dies.

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"Modern Medicine"

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Ya, the kind that slow kills you, while the doctors charge you for office visits to push more pharma death drugs on you.

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Oh Ivor. I like this guy! Thank you for turning me on to him. I subscribed to him. Thanks again.

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Here is a good film:

Statin Nation

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Way cool, thank you. I’m watching now. Thank you for sharing Jae Bee❣️

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You’re welcome Geneva! ✨

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Still watching.

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I added the video to the Statin paper.

Thank you so much Jae Bee, for sharing❣️ It is a good teaching video.


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Yes. It has helped people get of their statins. Happy to share! We rise together! 🔥

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Lots of love and gratitude I send to you Jae Bee.

The more we share,

The more we know.

Thank you for sharing and caring.


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My pleasure. My reason, my purpose, why I’m here. An abundance of gratitude and love to you too Geneva.

Knowledge is POWER! ✨❤️‍🩹🌎

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