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You are always welcome Huynh thi phuong. Let me know if you need any help with herbal medicine. Take care.

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wow great information. Thanks for sharing and great job healing your mother!

Very inspiring and hopeful story, which so many need right now <3

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Thank you Kim. More to come as my Substack is under construction. Cat's Claw stops the messenger RNA from mutating the cells in to Spike Protein factories and Ivermectin binds to the Spike Proteins and removes them out of the body. Cat's Claw does so much more against the BioWeapon too. My mother was in crisis. Her kidneys were failing, her heart was causing pain and shortness of breath, her blood pressure was through the roof, she had constant diarrhea. I gave her several different herbs to support her failing systems while detoxing her from the BioWeapon.

My husband and I got infected as we had that Spike Protein smell coming out of us when ever we used the bath room. It took about 3 months to detox, but the smell is gone and has not come back. If I do get re-infected, the smell comes back, I take more Cat's Claw and Ivermectin again until the smell is gone, which is usually right away.

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Incredible and inspiring! Cant wait to see what else you share here <3

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You surely are correct - so many need this knowledge now. So very very very many. Do you listen to Jeff&Erica on rense.com. They work hard to help us understand what is going on.

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Thank you David. I put the link to Jeff and Eric on my address bar so I will see it and listen.

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As far as the information, I am trying to get it up as fast as I can. I schedule post to come out one per day. It is getting harder and harder to research information as the Algorithms are so messed up. Thankfully I have my GAB post I can refer to.

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Hi Kim, Dr. Aranda and I are writing a paper together on Ivermectin. Do you have any questions about Ivermectin Dr. Aranda can answer? Thanks in advance.

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Hey! Only question is: is it worth the risk of possible synthetic contamination that SO MANY meds today are riddled with? That’s why I’m scared of it. I used it in 2021 and it really helped me feel good.

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Thanks Kim. Good question. Your question is included.

For what it is worth, hubby and I have been taking IVM horse paste for over a year now. We gave it to my mother as well. We are detoxed and staying clean so far. We now take IVM once a month, but I am going to tell hubby I feel better taking it once per week as long as it is affordable. IVM horse paste is not contaminated, so far.

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I got the equipment such as NMR and IR- spectrometer to look for the macromolecular contaminations. TXRFA for metal impurities. Hope I can release the results in January 2024.

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Way to go Okisuke! Eagar and excitedly looking forward to the results you get.

FYI: Cilantro is inexpensive, easy to grow at home and considered a 'Super Effective' Heavy Metal Poisoning remover herb. Along with Chlorella, Cilantro is at the top of the Herb list for Heavy Metal Poisoning removal.

As a single herb, Cat's Claw does the most against the BioWeapon. Combing the two against Heavy Metal Poisoning would be a good idea, should you need to.

List of herbs for Heavy Metal Poisoning removal:


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The only thing is that what we call the spike is in fact an artificial nanoparticle with any kind of payload for the wireless routing of data through our body. Everything that fights cationic charges is helpful, but when we continue to believe the controlled opposition lie of any kind of biosynthetic spike production, we will never realize that the main ingredients for the distributed nanonetworks of biosensors are in fact not biological! So these "parasites" are in fact DNA Crystals in Carbon Nanotubes that can then take over cells through a process called apopteosis and they can also unfold like Origami and construct little plasmonic nano rectennas in the body- all for more thruput - this is why virtually every commercial supermarket product is now full of graphene https://odysee.com/@psinergy:f/trim.83248DFE-EB56-48AB-B06F-DC870777A5E3:4

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I was not sure how to answer your comment. I did not understand your comment at first. I have ADHD. Some time it takes a while for me to understand.

Thank you for your comment and link you shared. I went to the link, but I kept getting the following message:

No Content Found

Publish Something


I believe Cat's Claw gets rid of Graphene. While I was giving Cat's Claw to my mother, she started to pee out what I believe to be black specs of graphene from her kidneys and bladder. These black specs also showed up in her diaper. The palms of her hands went from black to pink.

I could feel some kind of tiny sharp things on top of the skin of her hand. She itched like crazy all over her body. My husband made a drawing slave for her and it seem to help with the itching. We suspect the tiny sharp things coming out of the top of her hands may have been graphene. Her itching may have been from the graphene coming out of her skin. I could feel the tiny sharp things but I could not see any thing coming out of her skin. I never saw any thing black coming out of her hands either. Synthetics are man made 'unstables' and can not hold up against God's Perfectly Evolved Plant Medicines.

I heard there are parasite Chymiras in the BioWeapon. Chymiras are man made. Cat's Claw and Ivermectin destroyed the Chymiras.

We grow our own food, preserve it for winter. What we can not grow, we buy from an organic farmer we personally know. During the winters, we eat mostly soups I canned with veg. we grew. We also eat a lot of lettuces and cherry tomatoes we grow under grow lights during the winter. We butcher guinea fowl, chicken, a lamb or goat here and there for meat which we eat during winter. We are considering Ice Fishing for fish, still thinking about it. We have eggs and dairy as well. We make our own cheese, yogurt, cream, ice cream with milk from our goats and sheep.

Time for me to go. Hubby coming back from the barn. Take care and God Bless.

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Sorry it took me so long to come back and finish. As I was mentioning, we grow our own food as much as possible. We live on a small farm about 5 miles from the Canadian boarder. Our nearest neighbor is almost a mile away from us. We live in a rural, small town setting and we still got infected with the BioWeapon while taking a 2 week break from Cat's Claw and the AntiShedding tea.

Because wild animals are getting infected, I suspect chemtrails are the reason. My husband and I are unvaxxed and we keep getting infected, we detox, get re-infected on days after heavy chemtrail spraying over our home. We start the detox process all over again.

I suspect the luciferians in political positions of power are spreading the BioWeapon via chemtrails.

As for parasites, I heard there are parasites, man made chymira parasites and synthetics as you have mentioned.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=70yyHUzq-sU 30:00 minutes long

With out a microscope, I can only guess Cat's Claw is dissolving any synthetics as Cat's Claw is a blood purifier and cleanser. If it does not belong in the blood, Cat's Claw get rid of it.

👉12 Herbs That Kill Parasites Naturally: https://drjockers.com/12-herbs-kill-parasites-naturally/

Parasites can be found in nearly 50% of the American population. These are foreign pathogens that make their way into our bodies through unclean water, shellfish, pork products and other forms of contaminated food. The most common internal parasites that humans are commonly dealing with include tapeworms, amoeba, protozoa, yeast, and pathogenic bacteria. Although there are some modern medical treatments available, many people are looking for ways to kill parasites naturally.

Fortunately, we now have enough information available to know what types of things parasites do not like. By following specifically designed protocols using natural compounds, parasites can be effectively removed from the body without doing extensive damage to the gut. As a result, you will likely feel greater energy, restored digestive function, and overall returning of vitality.

Symptoms Parasite infection can cause many unpleasant symptoms. Depending on the type of parasite, an infection can cause massive inflammation, brain fog, digestive troubles, chronic fatigue, and much more.

Parasitic infections are an often overlooked, and yet critical, step in overcoming chronic health challenges. Especially in very stubborn cases where someone just can’t seem to get well, this may be a missing link. Using various strategies and herbs to kill parasites can make a big difference in one’s health.

Anti-Parasitic Herbs Plants are under pressure from various insects and other parasitic lifeforms everyday. They have adapted by producing unique compounds that ward off these parasites. These compounds are typically bitter and astringent in nature and occur in tree barks, roots and the leaves of many natural herbs and plants.

There are literally hundreds of different anti-microbial herbs so a consumer can get easily confused trying to find which will work best. Through my research, I have found these 12 to be particularly effective to kill parasites and we have formulated unique products that contains clinical doses of some of these herbs.

👉Andrographis herb


👉Please go to site for complete information on Anti-Parasitic Herbs: https://drjockers.com/12-herbs-kill-parasites-naturally/

👉Sweet Wormwood


01 Sweet Wormwood

02 Garlic

03 Black Walnut Hulls

04 Oregano

05 Tribulus

06 Memosa Pudica

07 Neem

08 Gratefruit Seed

09 WormSeed

10 Vidanga

11 Passion Flower

12 Clove

Combine all the herbs above in to a tea or chose the ones you like best and make a medicinal, anitparasitic tea.


The same with going to town for provisions every 1 to 2 weeks. We go to town, end up getting infected with the BioWeapon from people shedding, we detox, go to town for provisions, end up infected with the BioWeapon again.

How do we know we are infected?

Because of what I call ‘that weird Spike Protein Smell’ that comes out of us when ever we use the bath room. When the smell is gone, we feel better, but continue to take Cat’s Claw, Ivermectin and AntiShedding tea.

I’ve even smelled that weird Spike Protein Smell in the grocery store.

A friend in Germany says he smells that weird Spike Protein Smell every where in public.

While my husband and I are detoxing, the smell becomes lighter, almost all the way gone, but lightly around as we detox. By Friday morning, (1 to 2 weeks of detoxing) the smell is gone. We go to town on Saturday mornings and the detox process starts all over again.

Remember this?

👉 HORRIFYING DISCOVERY IN UNVAXXED BLOOD -- DR. ANA MIHALCEA: rumble.com/v33wwuh-horrifying-dis

If Cat's Claw can get rid of brain plaque and tangles, then perhaps it gets rid of the white amyloid 'antenna' scaffolding with in the veins and arteries of the extremities.

👉 Cat's Claw and The Brain: Could This Revolutionize Care for Cognitive Decline? https://www.drlamcoaching.com/blog/cats-claw-and-the-brain/

From what I've heard the amyloid scaffolding is tough, rubbery, made of synthetics, biological materials, heavy metals etc. Cat's Claw breaks down the amyloid plaque and tangles on a nano and atomic level. Then it removes it from the body. Cat's Claw removes Heavy Metal Poisoning.

While my mother was detoxing, she would leave what I believe to be black specs of graphene behind on the bottom of the toilet after she peed. She also had black specs in her diapers.

This tells me Cat's Claw was getting rid of the graphene too. The palms of her hands went from black to pink.

👉Herbs for Heavy Metals and Graphene Oxide from the BioWeapon.

Article: http://www.wisemindbodyhealing.com/articles/approaches-healing-modalities/herbs/herbs-to-detox-heavy-metals/

👉 VACCINE CHEMTRAILS EXPOSED! - 😡 Are They Spraying Us With Aerosolized mRNA Poison? https://odysee.com/@WAM:0/vaccinechemtrailsexposedwam:3 20:00 min.

👉 Herbco.com for online quality, medicinal herbs reasonably priced and delivered in a timely manner.

Time to make hubby his lunch.

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Oh excellent information. Thank you!

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You are always welcome David 💖

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As Astrid Stuckelberger points out, confronted with the lies of the medical freedom movement - it is a BIOTECH! weapon, it is in fact all synthetic

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Good Morning Bufus Alvarius,

Syntheitcs or not, Cat's Claw and Ivermectin seem to work against the BioWeapon contents what ever they are.

As I have mentioned to some one else in this thread:

With Claw and Ivermectin she detoxed after 3 months. If she did have Morgellon's, the Cat's Claw and Ivermectin killed it. If Cat's Claw can dissolve the amyloid plaque and tangles in the brain, then why can't it dissolve Morgellon's fibers?

👉 I saw Cat's Claw dissolve the white amyloid scaffolding with in my mother's veins and arteries in her low extremities. Her legs were HUGE, swollen and very painful. She could not walk. With Cat's Claw and Ivermectin, her legs went back to normal and she could walk again. She no longer needed any natural pain medicines any more.

👉 Cat's Claw and The Brain: Could This Revolutionize Care for Cognitive Decline?

Article: https://www.drlamcoaching.com/blog/cats-claw-and-the-brain/

By: Michael Lam, MD, MPH; Carrie Lam, MD; Jeremy Lam, MD

CV19 Vax DESTROYS HEART AND BRAIN of Billions of People – Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi

https://usawatchdog.com/cv19-vax-destroys-hearts-brains-of-billions-of-people-dr-sucharit-bhakdi/ 1 hour

By Greg Hunter On October 29, 2022 In Political Analysis

👉 If Cat's Claw can get rid of the white amyloid scaffolding being built by the self assembling circuit boards with in veins and arteries, and that stuff is tough fiber according to the morticians, then perhaps Cat's Claw gets rid of Morgellon's.

What does any one have to lose but $11.13 for 1 lbs of Cat's Claw? which makes a lot of medicine for months and months. $7.00 for a box of Ivermectin horse paste. For less than 20 bucks, the injected and infected can get better. Go figure.

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I saw a comment of yours on Dr. Ana's article a while ago where you posted about this success story. You are the reason why I even bought cat's claw. When I get my hands on ivermectin, I'll try to reproduce your results and post about it. Edit: Restacked.

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Thank you for attempting to reproduce my results. If you have any questions, please let me know. i am happy to help. I will be posting about how I made the tincture. I took 4 ml of Cat's Claw 5 to 8 times per day, sometimes more if I smelled that weird Spike Protein smell when I use the bathroom. The smell lightens up while taking Cat's Claw. Faint or not, I take Cat's Claw if I smell that Spike Protein smell.

If you are injected for as long, (years) and as much, (4 injections) as my mother was, you will need Ivermectin once per day for the full 3 months of detox. (we use the horse paste Ivermectin as we can't get a perception from the Dr. We dose by body weight.)

If you are not injected, but infected like us, then you will want to take Ivermectin every 3 days for the first month of detox. We backed off of the Ivermectin to once per week for the remaining 2 months of detox.

I am happy you bought Cat's Claw. Do you have that weird 'smell' coming out of you when you use the bathroom? I call it the 'Spike Protein Smell.' By the smell is how I know my husband and i got infected. It is the same smell my mother had coming out of her when ever I took her to the bath room. One year later, after detoxing my mother, that same smell is back and it is coming out of my husband and my self. We detoxed. It took 3 months to detox. At the end of 3 months we took a 2 week break from the 'glycerin,' as glycerin is hard on your liver. Drink Milk Thistle tea for liver rejuvenation for 2 weeks. Upon the finish of the 2 week break, we ended up infected again. We are detoxing again, but this time around, I am noticing detox is taking just a few weeks, instead of months. I wish I had a microscope.

👉 15 Foods/Herbs High in Shikimic Acid to Help Disable Spike Protein & GOx


Modified: Jun 9, 2022 · Published: Jul 27, 2021

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The reason I started substack is because of the intended "side-effects" of the shots that I'm still suffering from. But if you look at my first post, you can see the massive improvement I have made.

Regarding the smell. No there's nothing unusual, but let me tell you this. After I got my 2nd and last shot, the same day people at meetups avoided me like a repelling magnet. This never ever happened in my life before. Usually it's the other way around. So it might have been the smell you are mentioning and/or sth. else. And yes I'm emitting a bluetooth signal that seems to change every now and then.

As a chemist I would not use glycerin, but DMSO instead. I could make a liquid cat's claw extract with DMSO and put it together with Ivermectin into a coated capsule. So far, I've had good experience by making my own capsules with a capsule machine during my 6 week parasite cleanse at the end of 2020.

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I am happy you have made massive improvements. I thank Heavenly Father for that. Good on you dear.

The smell is not noticeable with some people because they are using treatments to improve their health situation as you did and do. The smell might be under control, but that does not mean the messenger RNA mutating cells to produce Spike proteins is stopped. I have a friend who told me she is fine and she does not smell because she is taking Ivermectin.

Ivemectin does not stop the mRNA from mutating the cells, does not stop the super cancers, does not stop the micro clotting, does not stop Graphene Oxide, does not remove the heavy metal poisoning, etc. Ivermectin is important because Ivermectin and Cat's Claw together are the cure. I do not know why they work together so well against the BioWeapon Injections, but they seem to synergize each other.

Cat's Claw is the only herb I could find that does so much against the BioWepon. Sweet Wormwood is probably in second place as it is a 'Super AntiMutagenic herb,' better than Cat's Claw, but it does not stop the Graphene Oxide and so on.

In order for glycerin to hurt your liver, you would have to consume a lot of it, a lot. What we consume is not enough to hurt our liver. The break from glycerin is merely a precaution.

The break from the glycerin tincture is also a break from Cat's Claw. It is always good to take a break to avoid 'resistance' build up. We supplement our break from Cat's Claw with the AntiShedding tea, Turmeric alcohol tincture, Ginko Biloba tincture and a powerful multi-herb antibiotic tincture. When 2 weeks are over, we go back to Cat's Claw and Ivermectin.

When I first got on to Substack, a nice Nephrologist took interest in my post about Cat's Claw and Ivermectin. He wanted to use the DMSO with Cat's Claw like you. He told me about DMSO for which I am thankful. I told him about Willard's Water. May be Willard's Water will work for you and it has no side effects. DMSO has side effects: https://www.healthline.com/health/what-is-dmso#risks

I am not a chemist. I do not know if alkaline water will do what DMSO will do, but I think it is worth mentioning.

Don't get me wrong, DMSO is very good stuff. I am planning on getting DMSO to add to Blood Root, an herb that removes skin cancers in combination with the DMSO. DMSO helps Blood Root with skin penetration: https://www.zenithherbal.com/product/bloodroot-salve-in-glass-jar/

NEW CLINICAL STUDY SHOWS DRINKING WILLARD WATER® SIGNIFICANTLY INCREASES THE BODY’S ABILITY TO ABSORB VITAMINS: https://drwillard.com/blogs/news/health-benefits-of-alkaline-water-willard-s-water

We’re very happy to roll out yet another scientific study that outlines the amazing benefits of drinking Willard Water® daily. This latest study, conducted by Dr. Hildegarde Stannifer and entitled “An Examination of Willard Water’s Impact on Vitamin Efficacy,” conclusively shows that drinking Willard Water® significantly improves the absorption rates of multiple vitamin supplements including Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, and Vitamin B6 and Health Benefits of Alkaline Water- Willard’s Water.

The three-month study sought to measure the impact of both Willard Water® ULTIMATE and Willard Water® CLEAR on the absorption rates of various vitamins in human subjects and also sought to determine whether there is a measurable difference between Willard Water’s effects on fat-soluble vs. water soluble vitamins. Subjects underwent initial tests to determine the current absorption rates of vitamins in their bodies and then were instructed to drink Willard Water® for a period of thirty days. After a month of drinking Willard Water®, the study participants were again tested and vitamin content was measured. According to Dr. Staninger, “Willard Water® significantly improved the efficacy of multiple vitamin absorption rates. All study participants showed significant improvement by drinking Willard Water® over the 30 day period.”

Dr. Staninger observed that Willard Water® was effective in increasing absorption rates of fat-soluble vitamins such as Vitamins E and K. However, Staninger also found it to be far more effective on water-soluble vitamins such as those in the B complex group. “…the collective specimen pool of individuals showed the significant improvement due to Willard Water’s micelle reactive properties, which allows molecules to become smaller and more effective in the reaction with other molecules opposing charges,” Staninger continued. “It was also observed that the vitamins that were “hydrogen” reactive reacted significantly better with Willard Water®.”

We’re very pleased to see this study continues a long line of evidence validating the remarkable absorption effects drinking Willard Water® has on our bodies. Nutrients and vitamins that are ingested but not fully absorbed are of no nutritional value and scientists have only recently begun to fully understand the importance of maximizing bioavailability in our bodies. Studies like this show that Willard Water® can play a key role in expanding bioavailability and ensuring that our bodies derive the maximum benefits of the food we eat and the supplements we take and health Benefits of Alkaline Water- Willard’s Water.

We’re continually amazed by Dr. Willard’s wonderful invention and we hope you are too!


Dr. Willard`s mineral-rich Alkaline water is negatively charged and it enhances the effectiveness of the antioxidants we intake to reduce cellular and DNA damage caused by free radicals, delivers nutrients and oxygen to the cells more efficiently, absorb everything better, nutrients, vitamins and minerals, and amongst several other benefits including proper hydration, detoxification, and balance in your body’s pH levels. Drinking Dr Willard`s alkaline water on a regular basis can ultimately contribute to overall Homeostasis (optimum wellbeing), weight loss and anti-aging.

Most of us are high in acid. This makes a perfect breeding ground for cancer and other degenerative diseases. Most of us have very acidic diet, therefore, degenerative diseases are on the rise.

A long-term acid diet creates an acidic environment at the cellular level in your body. If cells cannot function properly, your body cannot function properly. The result of an acid system includes; inflammation, circulation problems, heart troubles, fatigue, and low energy, acid reflux, premature aging, stiff joints, memory loss, lack of sex drive, constipation, bloating, breathing difficulties, skin problems and an environment where serious, life-threatening illnesses environment can thrive.

On the other hand, a healthy alkaline diet creates an environment that is conducive to cellular level health, which results in total well been.

Dr Willard`s Alkaline water Improves the body’s absorption of essential nutrients, Improves body function by cleaning your cells from the inside out. Using Dr. Willard`s water with a high pH level 9.8-10.3 (Diluted solution) improves the taste of beverages and food. Improves your immune system function to help you fight diseases. Cooking with Dr. Willard`s alkaline water improves the taste and quality of foods.

Advocates of alkaline water believe that proper health starts with an optimum acid-alkaline balance in the body. These advocates claim that a body with a high acid content, a pH of less than 7, will experience a number of adverse reactions. For example, they believe the body will go to such great lengths to maintain a blood pH of 7.365 that it will even create stress on other tissues, body systems, and organs to do so. Chronic acidity can, accordingly, interrupt all cellular activities and functions.

Health Benefits of Alkaline Water- Willard’s Water and They also believe that drinking alkaline water is the best way to ensure maximum bodily hydration. Alkaline water can neutralize the acidity of the body caused by stress, modern diet, air pollution, and many bottled drinks of water. A higher pH in the body reduces the need for fat and cholesterol to protect the body from damaging acids. Many of the purported benefits of drinking alkaline waters mirror what studies have shown Willard Water does when entering the body.

May our Paradise Father bless you with your health and well being back.

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Thank you very much indeed for this insightful post, Geneva. I've never heard of Willard Water, but just by reading about his background and the components of Willard Water I can surely imagine that it increases efficacy of vitamin absorption. Both of my health care practitioners told me that I need to follow an alkaline diet.

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😘 It increases the absorption of everything you consume with Willard's Water.

Not just vitamins.

Alkaline diet is a healthy choice. It was a part of my healing. Our well water is Alkaline. We eat an Alkaline diet pretty much. I use to have an 'incurable disease,' so I was told, called Fibromyalgia and CFS. I did the doctor thing for 1 year. The Rx pills were pain and muscle relaxer pills. I was so sick, I could barely get off the couch or out of bed. We started remodeling our kitchen to be wheel chair accessible as that was direction I was headed in. We sold our Los Angels, CA home and moved to our small farm in Washington State's Highlands of the Okanogan where we have clean food, air and water, (Alkaline). It took a few years of research and study, but with God's help and His guidance, change in diet to Alkaline, exercise, cannabis for pain, homeopathics for deep sleep, bacteria and pain, herbs for inflammation, bacteria, pain, sleep, energy and so on, I am now completely cured of Fibromyalgia and CFS. An 'incurable disease' my doctors told me. "Get use to it, you will only get worse as you get older," so I was told. Alkaline diet is a good way to go. Your doctors are right. At first I did not know any thing about Alkaline food cooking. Ross has some good Alkaline food recipes.

Ross’ Top 21 Most Popular Alkaline Recipes: https://liveenergized.com/alkaline-diet-resources/ross-top-21-popular-alkaline-recipes-free/

74 FOODS for an Alkaline Diet: An Evidence-Based Review


We raise goats, lamb and guinea fowl for our meat.

Acid-Alkaline Lamb, Veal and Game Products Food Chart


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I keep forgetting to tell you my husband and I watch anime exclusively. Okisuke is a character from the anime: Naruto. I love Naruto. Stopped watch it when it was over and Baruto came out. Never watched Baruto.

Okisuke (オキスケ, Okisuke) is a samurai from the Land of Iron and one of Mifune's right-hand-man alongside Urakaku: https://myanimelist.net/character/67285/Okisuke

Okisuke is a very solemn, and dutiful individual who will carry out his assigned tasks to the letter without hesitation. In the anime, he voiced distaste in teaming up with shinobi, believing that they were using the samurai as mere tools for the safety of the whole world. It was not until Mifune explained everything to him, telling them that they would be working alongside each other as equals, that this concern abated.[2]

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This is spot on. I really liked the Chūnin exam episodes of Naruto and the battle between Sasuke and Itachi. Boruto doesn't ignite the same spark like Naruto. Hence, I've never had interest in watching it.

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Geneva, would you please share which Homeopathics you recommend for deep sleep? I deeply need this due to stress and having lost my dearest husband, thank you so much. May our Heavenly Father continue to bless you and yours 🙏

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I am so sorry for your loss. I do not know what i would do if I lost my beloved husband.

This song is for you as 'We can not be hurt by any any thing this wicked world has done.....

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1h_VqYFgTE 10:00 min.

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Okay, sleep. Sleep is imperative for healing 'recovery' of daily bodily movements, as you know. I took Melatonin and or Homeopathics depending on what kind of night I was having.

Foods and beverages can 'cancel out' the homeopathic medicine, when taking homeopathics, you must have nothing by mouth 20 minutes before or 20 minutes after taking homepathics. The same with brushing of teeth, 20 minutes before and 20 minutes after.

Place pills under tongue until dissolved. The tongue has big veins under it, that absorb the homeo medicine directly in to the blood stream.


There are several homepathic remedies for insomnia. I recommend you read the full article following and decide which one fits your situation best.

For you, I would recommend:

👉 3. Ignatia Amara – For Insomnia from Grief, Depression

Ignatia Amara is a medicine for insomnia arising from grief and depression. The person needing Ignatia Amara is depressed and full of cares and worries. He/She may get entirely absorbed in profound grief that leads to sleeplessness. Other attending features are a desire to be alone, tearfulness, and sadness with deep sighs. The person keeps thinking about the sad occurrences in the past. Excessive brooding, moaning, and an indifferent behavior to everything may also be present.

Key indications for using Ignatia Amara for Insomnia: https://www.drhomeo.com/insomnia-treatment/homeopathic-medicines-for-insomnia/

– insomnia from grief, depression

– Cares and worries

– Sadness, weeping, brooding

Other Important Medicines for Insomnia

For the complete article: Insomnia treatment With Homeopathy: https://www.drhomeo.com/insomnia-treatment/homeopathic-medicines-for-insomnia/


What I took was Melatonin 60 mg. pills. The formula for taking melatonin goes as follows:

For every 10 years of life, you take 10 mg. If you are 50 years old, then you take 50 mg. If you are 55 years old, then you take 50 to 60 mg of Melatonin depending on you. Take the melatonin 20 minutes before bed. If you are still awake after 10 or 20 minutes of being in bed, then take another 5 to 10 mg of Melatonin. You will want 'Time Released' melatonin if you can find it, so you sleep through the night.


Vitamatic Melatonin 60mg Fast Dissolve Tablets - 60 Vegan Natural Berry Flavor Tablets - Non-Habit Forming - Non-GMO, Gluten Free (1 Bottle)

Olympian Labs Melatonin 10mg 'Time Release' with Vitamin B6 - Maximum Strength Tablets - Drug-Free, Supports Restful Sleep, Nighttime Sleep Aid - 60 Vegan Tablets (60 Servings): https://www.amazon.com/Olympian-Labs-Melatonin-Release-Count/dp/B00PGWBM4U/ref=sxin_17_pa_sp_search_thematic_sspa?cv_ct_cx=60+mg+time+release+melatonin&keywords=60+mg+time+release+melatonin&pd_rd_i=B00PGWBM4U&rdc=1&s=hpc&sbo=RZvfv%2F%2FHxDF%2BO5021pAnSA%3D%3D&sr=1-3-364cf978-ce2a-480a-9bb0-bdb96faa0f61-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9zZWFyY2hfdGhlbWF0aWM&psc=1

I took 1 GABA pill with 50 mg Melatonin. I would not take GABA with Homeopathics.


$14.00 - NOW Supplements, GABA (Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid) 500 mg + B-6, Natural Neurotransmitter*, 200 Veg Capsules:


I hope this is helpful. If you have any questions, please let me know.

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💖 This song is for your husband:

In The Arms Of An Angel - Sister Duet - Lucy & Martha Thomas


May he rest in the arms of his Angel.

May he find healing from a material life, on a material world in the lucifer rebellion while in the Mansion Worlds, (In my Father's house, there are many Mansions).

May all that he learned during a life time in the material, come to serve him well during his ascension to Paradise.

May you and his loved ones be comforted by Angels when ever you all miss him and feel sad.

Father God bless you with your needs met dearest Sandra Lee.

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Hi Sandra. How are you doing. Where you able to look in ot the homeopathic remedy I recommended for you? Is it working?

👉 3. Ignatia Amara – For Insomnia from Grief, Depression

Ignatia Amara is a medicine for insomnia arising from grief and depression. The person needing Ignatia Amara is depressed and full of cares and worries. He/She may get entirely absorbed in profound grief that leads to sleeplessness. Other attending features are a desire to be alone, tearfulness, and sadness with deep sighs. The person keeps thinking about the sad occurrences in the past. Excessive brooding, moaning, and an indifferent behavior to everything may also be present.

Key indications for using Ignatia Amara for Insomnia: https://www.drhomeo.com/insomnia-treatment/homeopathic-medicines-for-insomnia/

– insomnia from grief, depression

– Cares and worries

– Sadness, weeping, brooding

Other Important Medicines for Insomnia

For the complete article: Insomnia treatment With Homeopathy: https://www.drhomeo.com/insomnia-treatment/homeopathic-medicines-for-insomnia/

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On another note, Dr. Aranda and I are writing a paper together on Ivermectin. Do you have any questions about Ivermectin Dr. Aranda can answer? Thanks in advance.

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Okisuke, I am over whelmed with Substack. I saw you recommended me and I wanted to say thank you, but your comment got buried.

THANK YOU 💖 Okisuke!

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Also saw your post about your arsenal of meds against the BioWeapon. Very impressive. You are taking Cat's Claw 500 mg per day. Very good. Hopefully you will increase your Cat's Claw dose to at least 1500 mg per day. We also started taking Pau d Arco, Turmeric and Ginko biloba tinctures along with the Cat's Claw tincture. Since taking all four tinctures, we've been staying uncontaminated. I think some thing has changed regarding the BioWeapon. It seems more contagious. Every one in town looks sick with grey skin. We've been getting hit hard with chemtrails lately. Perhaps this is why every one looks sick and contaminated.

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It was just a fraction of the supplements I take. And yes everyone seems sick right now. I noticed that some unjabbed people I know, are having cognitive issues and/or are sick for at least 2 weeks. They all have one thing in common: no detoxing.

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Yes, 500 mg of Cat's Claw. You know I say you need more, but you have an arsenal of supplements, it should be okay.

My mother had Alzheimer's for about 20 years before she was vaxxed. With regard to this comment and post, we gave her Cat's Claw, Ginko biloba, Gotu kola, Turmeric in herbal teas. Cat's Claw and Ginko biloba were in tincture form. She did get other herbal teas for the various body systems that were breaking down. She was in physical crisis. I detoxed her with Ivermectin and Cat's Claw while addressing her other issues with her body. She was in Kidney failure. We gave her an herbal kidney failure tea. Her heart hurt and she could not breath well. She had constant diarrhea from taking 30 prescription pills, probably more than she should of. She would forget she had taken her pills. My siblings dropped the ball when it came to my 90 year old mother. Thankfully, I finally got her to my state to take care of her. I mention some this in an upcoming scheduled post. I think it comes out 11/17.

Thank you for your referrals.

The luciferians in political positions of power want us all dead or enslaved. Not going to happen per Heavenly Father And Jesus. The more we all heal and live, the more their plan on killing every one is quashed.

Thank you for commenting. I am over whelmed with Substack emails. God bless you Okisuke.

Ginko biloba, Turmeric and Cat's Claw are all 3 'Anti-Mutagenic herbs that stop the mRNA from mutating the cells in to super cancers and Spike Proteins.

👉Neuroprotective Herbs for the Management of Alzheimer’s Disease


Keywords: herbs, Alzheimer’s disease, neurodegeneration, ashwagandha, brahmi, cat’s claw, ginkgo biloba, gotu kola, lion’s mane, saffron, shankhpushpi, turmeric, triphala

CV19 Vax DESTROYS HEART AND BRAIN of Billions of People – Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi

Cat's Claw and The Brain: Could This Revolutionize Care for Cognitive Decline?https://genevathatcher.substack.com/p/cv19-vax-destroys-heart-and-brain

The Amazon rain forest plant Uncaria tomentosa (cat’s claw) and its specific proanthocyanidin constituents are potent inhibitors and reducers of both brain plaques and tangles

National Library of Medicine - PubMed Central: https://genevathatcher.substack.com/p/the-amazon-rain-forest-plant-uncaria

C19 BioWeapon Injection Induced Juvenile and Adult Alzheimer's Disease.

Nothing Cat's Claw Can't Take Care Of: https://genevathatcher.substack.com/p/c19-bioweapon-injection-induced-juvenile

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Your about the most advanced found for herbals..Want to start a program next week for myself and friends..Any changes,Can you give me and audience dosing you'd recommend for above herbs for avg weight i 180 pnds...If we could get this herbal program as close as possible to an easier prescription level it could really help people with cross over. I'll spread it far n wide if it works ie nano tech protocol and Rouleuxe cleanse.thnx...

Ps .if we skipped ivermectin what would you substitute for that mainstay?

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' I'll spread it far n wide if it works ie nano tech protocol and Rouleuxe cleanse.thnx...'

Hi Greg, I am excited to communicate with you regarding CC and Ivermectin as I see you are a 'Researcher.' Do you have access to a microscope?

Are you injected/infected? If so, what medications are you on?

I am busy helping people in chats who are sick. Please give me a bit of time to get things squared away in chats. I think I have one lady left to help. Then I will be back with you. If this is an emergency, please let me know and i will focus on you.

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'Ps .if we skipped ivermectin what would you substitute for that mainstay?'

Possibly Nigella sativa the 'herbal Ivermectin' as it binds to the Spike Protein.

Nigella sativa aka Black Seed Oil for the Treatment of the covid BioWeapon and Then Some...https://genevathatcher.substack.com/p/nigella-sativa-aka-black-seed

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Thank you for your kind words. It is not me, it is Father God and the herbs. Okay Greg, I am going to try to answer your comments in order. I have ADHD pretty badly for an adult which makes me slower than you. Not to mention I have very slow internet as our tower is covered in thick ice. Internet is in and out, some times gone for hours. Please bare with me.

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'Can you give me and audience dosing you'd recommend for above herbs for avg weight i 180 pnds'

There are 2 ways to do herbal medicine:

1. the measuring, calculating, dosing way.

2. the folk way which is mostly by experience and intuition.

I do the folk way as every 'body' is different.

Some people are sicker than others. The sicker one is, the longer and slightly harder it is too heal, but healing is quite possible with the right herbal and alternative medicines. Alternative meaning CDS, MSDS, borax, etc. I use and know herbs.

If a person is sick, some times bed ridden, has metals stick the persons face, forehead, (heavy metals in the brain, very dangerous), I recommend 1 Tablespoon of CC 3 times per day for 5 days. CC takes 2 minutes to get in to the brain and start to remove heavy metals, Spike Proteins, (SP) stop mutations in to brain cancer and SP producing factories. Stop the progression of Alzheimer's. With out one's brain functioning, one is screwed. Currently I am helping a German lady in chats do a heavy metal detox for brain and body. She has metal sticking to her face and forehead. Her legs are swollen and hurt to walk.

She ordered CC, but does not have it yet. She is doing a parsley and cilantro juice for the heavy metals and she drink edible clay water after the juice. the herbs pull out the metals and the clay bind to the metals and remove them from the body.

This lady lives alone. If her brain goes, she is doomed. I am focusing on detoxing her brain and body of heavy metals, first, while waiting for her to get the CC in.

With herbal medicine, it is not 'one' thing. It is more of a little bit of this and a little bit of that. Herbs work together, they synergize each other.

When this lady is finished detoxing her brain from heavy metals, and she gets her CC in, we will focus on detoxing her body from the BioWeapon for 3 months with CC and Ivermectin. While she is detoxing from the BioWeapon, we will also focus on supporting her failing body systems such as the white amyloid scaffolding with in her veins and arteries of her lower extremities.

Does this make sense?

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Can you talk to these people about healing from the vax? Are they open to listening?

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I'm excited to read your upcoming post. As for me I'm just too busy with work to publish anything meaningful atm. But there's still tons stuff I haven't tried out yet.

I think they are affected from the shedding and getting tested as well (toxic swabs). They thought if they only get tested instead of getting the jab, they will get away with it. I'll send them some links from substack and see how they'll process this information.

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I've written about detoxing, going to town every Saturday, coming back infected. Detox, go to town. Infected Again. Not to mention when 'they' chemtrail us, we get infected, Again.

VACCINE CHEMTRAILS EXPOSED! - Are They Spraying Us With Aerosolized mRNA Poison? https://rumble.com/v1h8045-vaccine-chemtrails-exposed-are-they-spraying-us-with-aerosolized-mrna-poiso.html

BREAKING: NEW AIR DELIVERED MRNA VAX! - Yale Develops Latest Eugenics Method!

https://rumble.com/v3m9kza-breaking-new-air-delivered-mrna-vax-yale-develops-latest-eugenics-method.html 22:00 min.

Situation Update, Aug 23, 2022 - Aerosolized "Vaccines" to Be Sprayed on Human Cities for Global Depopulation! - Mike Adams Video

https://beforeitsnews.com/opinion-conservative/2022/08/situation-update-aug-23-2022-aerosolized-vaccines-to-be-sprayed-on-human-cities-for-global-depopulation-mike-adams-must-video-3639176.html 1:31 hour

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We started taking the tinctures below daily, we go to town and come back free of contamination. We have not been recontaminated for about a month. Before going to town, we load up on the tinctures below. When we come back from town we re-load for any shedding we may have picked up. We take daily maintenance doses. We are staying contamination FREE, so far, so good. We take Ivermectin once per week.

8 ml per day of Cat's Claw in Gycerin: https://herbpathy.com/Uses-and-Benefits-of-Cat's-Claw-Cid2264

4 to 8 ml per day of Pau d Arco in Alcohol: https://herbpathy.com/Uses-and-Benefits-of-Pau-D-Arco-Cid2608

4 ml per day of Ginko biloba in Alcohol: https://herbpathy.com/Uses-and-Benefits-of-Ginko-Biloba-Cid1314

4 ml per day of Turmeric/Curcumin with Black Pepper in Alcohol: https://herbpathy.com/Uses-and-Benefits-of-Turmeric-Root-Cid387

Black Pepper already in the Turmeric Tinc.: https://herbpathy.com/Uses-and-Benefits-of-Black-Pepper-Cid113

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I believe the covid swab testing definitely contaminates subjects with the BioWeapon.

Perhaps the luciferians in positions of power knew people would get tested to get by, this why they made the swabs in to BioWeapons.

When I ask grey, sick looking people if they have that weird smell coming out of them when they use the bath room, they look surprised and say yes. That is when i ask if they've been injected. I start to explain the BioWeapon and what they can do to get better. Some listen, some get a glazed look and get scared. That is when I change the subject.

I understand about being too busy to publish. I am trying to get my GAB post in Substack before the earth quake.

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Geneva,you seem active here.Are we talking mind control with vaxxed or maybe swabbed too(saw article how damaged pituitary gland stops intuition connections then bit robotic,less defenses...) Or is it largely a predisposition like maybe feel entitled to reap societys stuff,can't really be evil then foolishness...or like ..

What percentage are you truly reachimg do you think?

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Back to the tinctures, Cat's Claw, Pau d Arco, Ginko biloba, Turmeric/Curcumin are all 4 'AntiMutagenic herbs,' that stop the mRNA from mutating the cells in to Spike Proteins factories and stop the Super Cancers.

All four are AntiInflammatories

All four stop clotting, AntiCoagulants

3 of them are AntiParasitic

All 4 are good for circulation

All 4 are good for your heart

and so on.

We need to stop the mRNA with AntiMutagenic herbs

Remove the Spike Proteins from the body with Ivermectin.

Detox complete.

If one is super sick, then that is another story with herbs to support body systems while detoxing.

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I need to spend time with my big girl, (dog) as she is dying of old age. We give her coconut canna butter for any pain she may have. We were giving her kidney support herbs as her kidneys are failing. There are no vets in our area. We keep her comfortable as much as possible. The canna-butter is the best of all. Keeps her blood pressure in check, calms her, she is pain free. She stopped eating. I can barely get her to drink water.

She is 14 years old. Very old for this breed of dog. They usually do not live past 12 years old. She is an Ovcharka aka Caucasian Mountain Dog, live stock guardian. Best dog to have when you live in the mountains with predators.

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Thank you for these very detailed posts. Your dog is in good hands and I'm sure that it had been living a very healthy life in general compared to city dogs that can get cancer from various shots. I promise that I'll also release more posts in the future. But first of all I'll be spending Christmas in Japan, where I get my Ivermectin, because it's almost impossible to get here in Europe without prescription. I'll keep you updated.

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Hi Okisuke. Are you in Japan yet?

On another note, Dr. Aranda and I are writing a paper together on Ivermectin. Do you have any questions about Ivermectin Dr. Aranda can answer? Thanks in advance.

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Hi Geneva. Next week I'll be finally in Japan again.

Yes, please have a look at this article and try to validate or refute this claim:


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Thanks Okisuke. I did not read the paper yet, but if Ivemectin absorbs Graphene Oxide, I imagine IVM takes the granphene out of the body the way it takes Spike Proteins out. Isn't that a good thing? We gave IVM to my mother daily. Her hands went from black to pink. Graphene black specs where at the bottom of the toilet when she peed. There was graphene black specs in her diapers too. The graphene was coming out of her body. If IVM absorbs graphene in a negative way, then why did my mother get better and why was the graphene coming out of her? Could this article's intention be to scare people away from Ivermectin?

Thank you Okisuke for this great question.

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Exactly! I do agree with some of Shawns articles for example about 5G, but he didn't perform any real life testing to prove his claims regarding the IVM+GO problem. Many intoxications with IVM occurred due to overdosage and/or incorrect application. The dose makes the poison. And he very well knows this.

As I'm writing this, I found an article by Pasheen Stonebroke and LenBer challenging him. They came to the same conclusion like me: Breaking down complex topics to non scientific statements and providing simple solutions such as blushield without any proof.

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Wow,Most powerful ivermectin testimony I've seen...what brand of ivermectin did you give her and is horse paste as pure and effective? fenbendazo or hydroxy l or any other drugs coming close to over?

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There are many natural medicines that the Creator has provided in order to fight this. I think people get daunted, but Gods creation is more capable and more perfect. Gum spirits of turpentine is also one effective remedy. Myself and others have healed morgellons toxicity by doing cyclical cleanses adding iodine supplements, turmeric and mushroom nootropics.

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Thanks for your comment!

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You beat Morgellon's? That is wonderful!!! What is in the BioWeapon is 'man made unstables.' Man made can not stand up to God made plant perfection. As you said, God's perfect plant medicines are healing and beating back the BioWeapon.

I shared your information on Substack with some one who is suffering from Morgellon's. Hopefully she will seek you out.

Thanks again for your comment. God bless you and yours.

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“Beat” is not the word I would use. Maintain or manage would be more appropriate as our environment is so toxic with chemtrails water and food contamination, it requires permanent lifestyle changes which unfortunately means the careless good old days never return. It’s the natural medicines which cleanse along with diet changes: non GMO, gluten free, low sugar, no processed food. Detoxing the body from pharmaceuticals (even over the counter) also using one ingredient or homemade self care products and cleaning products. It takes some patience and prayer, but it is possible to return to functional life.

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Do you know where Morgellon's comes from?

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I plan to incorporate cats claw. I never got the vaccine intentionally. I did get long covid I believe. I’m not sure if I wasn’t poisoned by a nurse in a county jail because I got very sick directly after being released. They gave me a suspect TB test 2 days before leaving the jail after I had already been there 28 days. I still have a scar from where they injected my forearm and it was one of the spots where the lesions were last to heal. Clifford Carnicom has compared vax toxicity with morgellons and they have the same recognizable composition. I will find the Substack article comparing the two. Have not had time to search for it.

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Thank you for the links. I will be checking them out some time tomorrow.

Big pharma is not to be trusted. Nurses are not to be trusted. I watched a video where a woman went to the doctor's office for a flu shot. Upon leaving the doctor's office the nurse said, " You need to come back for the second shot."

"What second shot?" "Your next C19 shot."

She's been very sick and miserable ever since.

4-year-old accidentally given COVID vaccine instead of flu shot at Fitchburg CVS | Boston 25 News: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kXFaObF8c48

Get a flu shot and COVID-19 vaccine at the same appointment.


Woman develops neurological disease after regular flu shot


The luciferian Pharma is trying to kill us all. As you already know, we need to stay a way from the conventional medicine world.

I am happy you are going to incorporate Cat's Claw. Go on you dear. I will be posting about how to make the Cat's Claw tincture in a short while, in case you are interested.

In a short while you will start to notice Cat's Claw working against the BioWeapon. Ivermectin is part of the cure. I do not know why, but Ivermectin and Cat's Claw are the cure together.

Take care and FatherGod bless you with your needs met.

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I would recommend the Substack of Dr Ana Maria Mihalcea. She and Clifford Carnicom have drawn the parallel between covid/covid vaccines and Morgellons. They are the same illness. It is caused by synthetic biology and heavy metal contamination that comes from the nanotechnology and heavy metals in chemtrails, poisoned water, clothing, care products, gmo and processed foods. People who have had Morgellons for a lengthy time were the test subjects who were gaslighted and cruelly tested upon like Tuskegee 2.0. Now they have decided that the weapon was good enough for widespread attack. Morgellons has an 80-90% mortality rate. Mostly from suicide. The reason I had commented on your post was for the reason that the vax and morgellons are the same nano toxicity expressing in us all.

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You are right about the heavy metals in chemtrails etc. I have a post scheduled to come out about this in a few days. For now, here it is:


If you've been injected with the BioWeapon or you know some one who has....'YOU MUST WORK ON HEAVY METAL DETOXING!' It is easy to do.

Here is information on how you do it...


The luciferians in political positions of power rained toxic metals of Aluminum, Barium and Strontium, (to name a few) down upon us to infect our bodies with the metals. Then they injected the BioWeapon in to OUR bodies where the self assembling metal circuit boards/razors go to work on the white scaffolding antennas with in veins and arteries.


Chemicals in Chemtrails: Toxic metals and other pollutants from aerosol spraying are damaging our environment and ourselves!


New Wildfire Explosion Does Aluminum From Chemtrails Make Fires Burn Much Much Hotter

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SGIkHKKVvIY 6:21 min.

Heavy Metal DETOXIFICATION OF THE BODY Such as 'Chemtrail'

Heavy Metals and Graphene Oxide from the BioWeapon Injections.

Article: http://www.wisemindbodyhealing.com/articles/approaches-healing-modalities/herbs/herbs-to-detox-heavy-metals/

Conversation pieces from the video:

'All wireless' are Energy Directed Weapons, All of it.'

"Devices and frequencies are every where."

"Cesium 137 has been released from all of our nuke facilities all around our country. We are virtually dead because of Cesium 137."

"Microwave frequencies igniting fires."

"In 2017 we lost 5 thousand homes here in Santa Rosa."

"Santa Rosa, Malibu, Palestine, the common thread that we see is 'there is no water. Why? Because the water would allow people to see the 'microwave energy' as the water would cause the microwave energy to explode the way TESLA cars explode when water is used to put out a car fire."

FEMA FCC 5G KILL GRID -- TODD CALLENDER & DEB TAVARES: https://rumble.com/v3m3m0j-fema-fcc-5g-kill-grid-todd-callender-and-deb-tavares.html 1 hour


👉Cat's Claw is a Heavy Metal Poisoning REMOVER. Cat's Claw breaks the white scaffolding down on a nano and also atomic level. Then it whisks away the metals carrying them out of the body. Metals are not safe with Cat's Claw lurking around in the blood stream.

by: MedicalNewsToday

Bentonite clay: 11 benefits and uses: https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/325241#removing-lead-and-other-heavy-metals

👉 10. Removing lead and other heavy metals:

Excessive exposure to heavy metals such as lead can cause health problems. Children’s brains are especially sensitive to lead, and it can cause learning disabilitiesTrusted Source and other issues.

Avoiding exposure to lead and getting tested for lead exposure are the best ways to prevent lead poisoning. According to some research, bentonite clay may be helpful in removing some lead from the body.

👉 Bentonite clay has a negative charge, meaning that it can bind to positively charged metals such as lead. One study found that bentonite clay was effective at removing lead from wastewater.

by: Wise Mind body Healing

They overwhelm the body’s detox mechanisms that’s why we need support.

Here are my top 7 foods to rid your body of heavy metal toxins.

Organic Chlorella binds to mercury and aluminium to remove from body and promotes liver detoxification. Start on ½ tsp (or 2 tablets) per day added to water with lemon or your favourite juices or smoothies, after 1-2 weeks increase to 1 tsp (or 4 tabs) per day, then after 3 weeks, move up to 2 tsp (or 8-12 tablets) per day.

Organic Spirulina Protein is necessary for the detoxification of the liver. Can also be used in place of protein powders that may be contaminated with heavy metals. Add 1 tsp. daily to water with lemon, juices, smoothies. Take an extra dose on workout days: 8 tablets or sprinkle 1-2 tsp OB Spirulina granules onto your salads, dips, or soups.

Organic Cilantro and Parsley bind to heavy metal toxins and pull them out of the body. Add parsley and cilantro to your green juice. Chop and use fresh as often as possible! Throw in salads. Don’t cook. TOO MUCH Heat kills plant phytochemicals.

Cruciferous Vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, collard greens, kale, spinach, etc) Contain antioxidants that increase the production of detoxifying enzymes in the body. Have your green juices with greens, spinach, kale. Add brocolli, brussels sprouts, or cauliflower to salads or as a entree side. Broccoli sprouts are a great addition to salads otherwise purchase Broccomax. Use spinach and baby kale as a salad base. Make half what you eat of these raw, the other half cooked daily.

Organic Turmeric Contains protective compounds for the liver – your major detox organ Juice fresh turmeric 1-2 inches and add to juices, smoothies, marinades. Take a fresh juiced turmeric shot from your local juicer!

Sulfur Rich Foods: Help the body eliminate heavy metals, in particular lead. Replenish body with sulfur (sulfur deficiencies can be caused by heavy metal toxins) Add 3-5 cloves raw garlic into your daily routine, this could be juiced, pesto, marinades, salad dressings. Add raw onion to salads, in soups, and as many dishes as possible. Sauerkraut, shredded cabbage on salads. Have a handful of raspberries plain or over yogurt.

Foods high in vitamin C, Vitamin C which is important for flushing toxins from the body, jump start digestive enzymes. Enjoy as many Vitamin C-rich foods as you can! On cold days, make a HOT Vitamin C rich tea out to Rosehips and Hibiscus, add honey and a little lemon, delicious! On hot days do the same, just add ICE, ICE Baby.

No blood pressure medications while taking CC and Ivermectin as both regulate blood pressure naturally.


Cat's Claw Bark

Botanical Name: Uncaria tomentosa

Origin: Peru

$ 4. 45 for 1/4 lbs of Cat's Claw Bark buy online at http://Herbco.com

$ 11.13 for one pound of Cat's Claw Bark buy online at http://Herbco.com

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Also I had the smell you were referring to kind of like a rubbery smell in the urine. Some peoples immune system does not kick out the same response to the synthetic biology and many do not form lesions that are common in those with recognized morgellons. Dr David Nixon has found the threads expressing on pretty much everyone. They just recently did a huge test of 200 people, with skin samples under the microscope. I will send links to the pertinent info. We are being body snatched subtly by this bioweapon .

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Yes, that weird smell. I think it smells like some kind of chemical, barely sweet. Thank you for offering to send the links.

We go to town every Saturday for the Farmer's Market. People look sick. Some people look 'grey' like my mother did. The sick person will say some thing like, 'I've got cancer.' I try to talk about them being sick and that it is due to the vax. As soon as I say 'vax,' they get scared and shut down, start to avoid eye contact with me, I stop talking about the vax immediately and change the subject. There is no chance to tell them about Cat's Claw and Ivermectin.

If it were not for Ivermectin and Cat's Claw, Joel and I would be dead by now.

My mother shedded on us for 7 months and we never got sick. We drank the AntiShedding tea every morning. That was all we were taking for protection against the shedding coming off of my mother. At the time, my dog had a tumor on her face, I was giving her Cat's Claw for her face tumor. Little did I know Cat's Claw was protecting her the whole time from the shedding.

The AntiShedding tea protected us very well. We just started drinking it again after a few months break from it. This week end will be the test. We will drink the tea before we go to the Farmer's Market in the morning. We will take Cat's Claw too, as we normally do through out the day, especially if the smell is present. We will take Ivermectin in the afternoon, after the Farmer's Market. This way we will be protected from the shedding. We shall see if the smell comes back with all the protection.

For now, the smell is gone, until Saturday when we go to the Farmer's Market. Hopefully we finally got the protection right.

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I am sorry about Morgellon's. It is a difficult subject as it has no cure supposedly, no treatment and no one know's what it is or where it comes from.

According to Wikipe, Morgellons is some kind of delusional parasitosis. Morgellon's sufferers are delusional?

Are you delusional?

Ofcourse not!

by: Wikipe

Medical description

Morgellons is poorly understood but the general medical consensus is that it is a form of 👉delusional parasitosis in which individuals have some form of skin condition with sores that they believe contain fibers.[1][2][5][13] Its presentation is very similar to delusional parasitosis, with the addition that people with the condition believe there are inanimate objects in their skin lesions. An active online community supports the notion that it is an infectious disease, disputes that it is psychological, and proposes an association with Lyme disease. Controversy has resulted; publications "largely from a single group of investigators" describe findings of spirochetes, keratin and collagen in skin samples in small numbers of patients; these findings are contradicted by much larger studies conducted by the CDC, which found skin samples mostly contained cellulose that came from cotton, with no evidence of infection or other causes.[5]

by: Me

Morgellon's is another thing completely out of this world, literally. Morgellon's is another life form not of this world. It prefers dark, moist, warm places such as the human body, but it does not like the human body, hence the blue, white and red strands coming out of skin looking for a better place. It would prefer to go deep in to the ground if it could. 👉 It is a 'silicone based' life form from another planet. We are carbon based as you know. Speculation: came in on the bottom of a Star Race's boot/shoe.

by: Wikipe

Mary Leitao and the MRF

In 👉 2001,[6] according to Leitao, her then-two-year-old son developed sores under his lip and began to complain of bugs.[14] Leitao says she examined the sores with her son's toy microscope and discovered red, blue, black, and white fibers.[6][7] She states that she took her son to see at least eight different doctors who were unable to find any disease, allergy, or anything unusual about her son's described symptoms.

by: Me

For 22 years with the best scientist around the world trying to find a cure and no one has been able to. Why not. At least some kind of treatment for Mogellon's. NOTHING. Why not?

Various governments have tried to find a cure and various governments have also tried to turn it in to a weapon. About 8 years ago, my friend the Colonel, active duty military of another country, who has a Phd in Botany, was approached by his superiors to find a out all he can about Morgellon's. He found out his superior's superiors wanted to find a way to turn Morgellon's in to a bio-weapon. The Colonel gave them a bogus report. I guess the governments who wanted to turn it in to a weapon have succeeded in doing so.

Theory: Since prefers  dirt, I imagine the infected person try putting a thread that is coming out of the body in some dirt. If the threads prefer soil, perhaps it will continue coming out and go in to the dirt. The strands should come out on their own. For sufferers, what is there to lose? It might work.

I never saw any sign of Morgellon's on my mother. I know she dotoxed with Cat's Claw and Ivermectin after 3 months. If she did have Morgellon's, the Cat's Claw and Ivermectin killed it. If Cat's Claw can dissolve the amyloid plaque and tangles in the brain, then why can't it dissolve Morgellon's fibers?

I saw Cat's Claw dissolve the white amyloid scaffolding with in my mother's veins and arteries in her low extremities. Her legs were HUGE, swollen and very painful. She could not walk. With Cat's Claw and Ivermectin, her legs went back to normal and she could walk again. She no longer needed any natural pain medicines any more.

Cat's Claw and The Brain: Could This Revolutionize Care for Cognitive Decline?

Article: https://www.drlamcoaching.com/blog/cats-claw-and-the-brain/

By: Michael Lam, MD, MPH; Carrie Lam, MD; Jeremy Lam, MD

CV19 Vax DESTROYS HEART AND BRAIN of Billions of People – Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi

https://usawatchdog.com/cv19-vax-destroys-hearts-brains-of-billions-of-people-dr-sucharit-bhakdi/ 1 hour

By Greg Hunter On October 29, 2022 In Political Analysis

If Cat's Claw can get rid of the white amyloid scaffolding being built by the self assembling circuit boards with in veins and arteries, and that stuff is tough fiber according to the morticians, then perhaps Cat's Claw gets rid of Morgellon's.

What does any one have to lose but $11.13 for 1 lbs of Cat's Claw? which makes a lot of medicine for months and months. $7.00 for a box of Ivermectin horse paste. For less than 20 bucks, the injected and infected can get better. Go figure.

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Makes me wonder if there cannot be a kind of silicon-based Cats Claw or equivalent to use against Morgellons? After all, millions of years ago, there were silicon-based trees here.

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I believe Cat's Claw gets rid of the rubber blood clots, gets rid of the Graphene, the white amyloid antenna scaffolding with in the veins and arteries of the extremities. I believe CC will destroy Morgellon's. My mother showed no signs of Morgellon's. She did itch her skin a lot. Is Morgellon's itchy? I hear Morgellon's feels like bugs under the skin. Maybe she did have Morgellon's and CC had it on the run. Eventually she stopped itching.

That's what doctors are saying about people with Morgellons disease, who claim to be infested with mysterious parasites that trigger itching, rashes, and creepy-crawly sensations in the skin.


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Morgellon's is itchy. While my mother was detoxing she itched and itched while she was detoxing from the BioWeapon with Cat's Claw and Ivermectin. Perhaps the CC had the Morgellon's on the run from Cat's Claw.

If my mother was itching from Morgellons,' then the Cat's Claw destroyed it completely.

What we really need is Cat's Claw 'ROOT.' It is stronger, but harvesting CC root is prohibited. All we can do is make the CC tea stronger.

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Hi, details help,what dosing for avg weight would you rec. of each and are you microscopying...have you compared to other protocols?

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Like I mentioned before Greg, every 'body' is different. It depends on how sick a person is. Plus there is medicinal tea, capsule pills and tinctures. 1 '00 pill could be 500 mg of herb, 1 cup of tea could be 1000 mg of herb, tincture is 1 ml per full squirt. 1 to 2 ml is about 100 mg, 48 to 52 drops of medicine. When it comes to herbal medicine, I tell people to 'listen to their body.' CC naturally removes pain and lowers bp. If a person feels pain free, but they are constantly too tiered, then they are taking too much and need to back off a bit as CC is lowering their bp too much. Nothing alarming, just back off a bit and listen to your body. Still tiered? back off some more. Make sense?

There is an average I tell people to take when it comes to herbs.

Depending on the herb, 1 tsp can be 500 mg to 1000 mg. give or take a bit.

Depending on the herb and the condition/illness herb dosage can be high temporarily if there is an urgency. Not all herbs can be taken in high dosages. For example: Arjuna for heart, you can only take 1/4 to 1/2 a tsp of Arjuna powder twice per day, am and pm. Any higher of a dose will hurt your liver. When it comes to Arjuna, (fantastic herb for heart), I will usually recommend one take milk thistle with Arjuna for liver protection and healing, not necessary if liver is not compromised, but a good precaution.

If liver is compromised then Arjuna can be replaced with Hawthorne Berry: https://blog.mountainroseherbs.com/hawthorn-elixir-for-the-heart

Hawthorn Berries for Heart Health - https://www.studiobotanica.com/hawthorn-berries-for-heart-health/

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Are you all ready for winter; and have you stocked plenty of food for that pup? Looks like, beside being a very happy, beautiful animal, s/he could swallow you whole...<g>

One more question: Which Ivermectin do you prefer and what's the dosage for run of the mill homo sapiens? (-: -- Thanks.


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We take Ivermectin Equine Paste. According to Karen Kingston, it is the same exact medicine. For us, it is less expensive, $7.00 for one box. We take it according to the instructions on the box regarding our weight. When we are contaminated, we take Ivermectin paste every 3 days. When we are detoxed, again, we take Ivermectin once per week.

cut and paste:

We live a very rural life. We see other people only when we go to town for provisions. As soon as hubby and I come in contact with other people while in town, we get contaminated, AGAIN. We detox. Go to town. Get contaminated. Detox. Etc. Also I've noticed we get contaminated again after heavy chem-trailing over our house and the surrounding area. I am not concerned for us, I am horrified for other people who have no idea they are infected and they are shedding too. When we are infected, we can detox and we have never been sick with any BioWeapon ill symptoms. We know we are infected when we get that weird Spike Protein Smell when ever we use the bath room. When infected we continue drinking the AntiShedding tea every morning, increase how much Cat's Claw we take, switch to taking Ivermectin once every 3 days until we are detoxed, no more Spike Protein Smell. If this is what it is like for us in a rural, small town setting, what must the cities be like? Cities have got to be 'Contamination Hot Spots.' As an experiment, we are going to carry Cat's Claw tincture with us when ever we go to town and take it several times over while we are in town.

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Is the actual brand name of the Ivermectin you are using "Ivermectin Equine Paste"; or is is some other name? - Thanks, Ed

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We buy Ivermectin at the Aniamal Feed Store and we buy online from Jeffers online https://www.jefferspet.com/

We are currently using PROMECTIN E PASTE 1.87% we bought from town.


But we use other equine paste such as:



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Hey, hi how are you? Thank you for asking about winter preparations. We are almost ready for winter. Just a few things left. I am still canning, dehydrating and freezing. I have an entire box of organic tomatoes to turn in to dehydrated tomatoes. Hubby is cleaning out the last of the barn stalls. This morning was 30 F. No snow yet, but snow on the way some time this week. This winter is going to be unusually, brutally cold with lots of snow, deep snow for our country. This winter is going to be very sad too. Vaxxed, contaminated unvaxxed have no immunity, VAIDS. It is easily remedied, but there are so many who do not know they are infected and what to do to get better.

Could you kindly take a look at my post regarding VAIDS, winter and the flu, if you will please: https://genevathatcher.substack.com/p/after-losing-her-leg-to-the-flu-virginia.

💖 Please protect your self and Don't Get Sick.

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I'm doing okay, now. About a month ago, I ruptured a tendon on the inside of my right thigh; but, the area has healed enough now that I don't think it's going to be necessary to see an orthopedist. My thought is that muscle was likely a small adductor that I don't use very much, given the weird, stupid way that I ruptured it. I'd just as soon no one go rummaging about in that thigh to try to sew the ruptured tendon ends together; especially, where there's a good possibility of nanotech in any anaesthetic that might be necessary.

You are a lot colder than we are here in southern Maine. I don't envy you at 30 F. We're still above 40 at night...for at least the next week and a half.

I'll read your post carefully, first thing in the morning when I'm wide awake; and, let you know when I've done so. I've been up since yesterday morning and am not much use at the moment. I really need to feed my pup and get to bed.

That photo of you and your huge pup: Is s/he the one that's left? S/he is gorgeous! That's a great pic! (-: Does s/he hang out with you all day and night?

Your farm buildings are spread out. I take it that the house is sheltered by the trees? That looks like a lot of snow to clear.

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You guys in the East, especially Main, are going to be very, very cold this winter. Do you have a food supply for humans and pets? You will need a food supply and water too. You can always melt snow for water. Use a filter in case the rain water is tainted.

Rice and beans is satisfying, has fiber, protein and carbs. Rice and beans are inexpensive.

When cooking bean, do not add salt until the beans are soft and fully cooked. It could take hours of boiling the beans, DO NOT ADD SALT UNTIL THE BEANS ARE SOFT AND FULLY COOKED. If you add salt early on in the cooking process, the bean will stay hard and inedible. Sorry if you already know this stuff.

I can not remember which picture of dogs you are referring to. I got hit by a truck, flew through the air and hit my head, right temple years ago and I still have memory problems.

I think it is Ursi-la la la we are discussing. She is the last of our big Ovcharka dogs.

Thank you for saying she is gorgeous. She does not hang out with me unless we are walking around in the mountains. At home she is guarding the animals. She is a working girl and she loves it. We use to have 6 of these big dogs. We rescued all of them from breeders who no longer wanted them. I like these dogs because they stay close to the livestock, chase out predators from their 1mile radius territory and come back to protect. Other dogs tend to chase the wild animals and attack them. I do not like dogs hurting the wild animals. Around here where we live, if any one sees a dog chasing cattle or wild deer, the dog is shot.

These dogs are big and very brave.

👉 Caucasian Ovcharka vs Wolf test: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=avmPlCwvfXA

👉 Caucasian Shepherd Dogs 101: Everything You Need To Know - Is It the Right Dog for You?

OMGosh you poor thing. I am so sorry for you. What terrible pain you must of been in.

I grow Comfrey herb. It is very good for healing and repairing injuries like yours. Making a comfrey poultice. Poultices are very easy to make and use.

👉 Comfrey Poultices for Deep Tissue Injuries: https://spiraeaherbs.ca/comfrey-poultices-for-deep-tissue-injuries/

👉 by: LiveStrong: https://www.livestrong.com/article/387825-herbs-for-tendons-ligaments-muscles/

👉 Comfrey Poultice (For Sprains, Strains & Broken Bones): https://melissaknorris.com/comfrey-poultice/

Important Herbs

Important herbs for muscle, tendon or ligament damage include herbs that possess anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties. Naturopathic physician and herbal medicine expert Sharol Tilgner, author of "Herbal Medicine From the Heart of the Earth," states that herbs with anti-inflammatory action include arnica, ashwagandha, devil's claw, fennel, feverfew, ginger, ginkgo, ginseng, lavender and licorice. Herbs that may help relieve your soft tissue-related pain include celandine, comfrey, dong quai, goldenrod, gotu kola, kava kava, myrrh and passionflower.

Featured Herb

Devil's claw is a commonly used herb in treating muscle, tendon and ligament problems. In her book "Prescription for Nutritional Healing," nutrition researcher and certified nutritional consultant Phyllis A. Balch notes that devil's claw helps treat both pain and inflammation -- two symptoms that often accompany soft tissue injuries. Devil's claw has been used to help treat numerous ailments, including muscle, tendon and ligament pain; arthritis; backache; and various disorders associated with the kidneys, liver and gallbladder.

I suggest ingesting edible Cannabis and Arnica Montana tea or tincture for pain.

I suggest Comfrey for healing medicinal, powerful poultice wraps.

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The dog I'm talking about is the one in your small circular avatar...at the top of your post which I'm responding to. If you left click on that avatar, a new page will open with the enlarged circular avatar at the top of the page. If you left click on that enlarged circular avatar, the photo will enlarge to almost full screen. It's a beautiful photo, taken in the winter with snow on the ground and on the firs.

I've an artesian well which works off the house electrical feed; or, if the power is off, I can hook up a portable generator. I haven't installed an automatic switch-over propane generator yet.

I have lot of organic canned beans from Trader Joe's, plus lots of organic white basmati rice which cooks in 15-20 minutes. I never use salt. I just put a tab of butter in the sauce pan before bringing it to a boil and then adding the rice; stirring; and reducing the heat. I'm thinking, however, that I should purchase a 25 to 50 lb bag of organic basmati brown rice, which would be better for me than the white rice, but would take longer to cook (40 minutes?).

Thank you for all of the suggestion regarding pain relief. The pain was really debilitating for the first week and a half, while I was on crutches. Fortunately, I had some Percocet which I split in half, and took a half every two hours, when I needed it. I've learned that no matter what the pain is, a half pill will relieve it and I won't feel any grogginess at all. - I'm going to give the thigh four more weeks of healing before I start to stretch that limb. I'm now walking a short distance with my dog every other morning. In four more weeks I'll start to increase the distance and speed until I'm running two miles a day (anyway, that's the plan (-:).

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When it rains a lot, we have artisan wells spring up all over our property. They go away after awhile.

If the power goes out, we are screwed. Our well will not work with out electricity. We will have to break down and buy a small solar powered pump.

How is your thigh, the one you pulled?

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Hi Geneva,

How deep is your well; and, how much would a small solar powered pump cost, which would be sufficient to pump water from your well?

This Thursday evening will be eight weeks since the tendon rupture. I'll start my martial arts warm-up exercises on Friday...very lightly at first <g> Thanks for remembering and asking.

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I thought you were referring to my big girl. The big dog in the picture is my girl's father. We rescued him from a bad situation with a breeder of these dogs. The husband died and the wife was depressed and impoverished. The big boy in my icon picture was named Mishka. He did not live for long as he cannibalized his heart muscle while starving with the breeder. We got him when he was 8 months old. We had him for about 5 years. Thank you for your interest in my dogs. We sure do miss them. It's been about 15 years since we rescued these dogs from their breeders. I've been looking and looking for these dogs in Washington State where we live, there are none. I've been looking for rescues online for months, can't find any near by. Caucasian Mountain Dogs are rare here in the states. They are popular in Russia.

👉 THE WORLD'S LARGEST CAUCASIAN SHEPHERD OVCHARKA HAS DIED - RIP Mighty Maximus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TDc3AX-6sA 11:00 min.

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Thanks for responding.

Mishka was beautiful and appears to have been tuned right into you and very protective. How much did he weigh? I see the minimum weight for a male is supposed to 110 lb; for a female, 100 lb.

Can you post a photo of your current female?

I was wondering whether you were looking to replace the ones you have lost. When I have time, I will help you search. What age and sex are you looking for? Are you looking to purchase both a young male and a young female to breed?

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Thank you Edmond for your kind consideration in helping me look for Ovcharkas. I am currently overwhelmed with substack. I'll answer you a little later. Now I need to feed my poor husband. He probably feels neglected. Write you later alligator.

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Ha, Ha! <g> I spent the interval from when I sent you that last reply, until now, to try to learn a little bit about Caucasian Mountain Dogs. My first thought is that finding one of these dogs with an excellent lineage would be difficult. I don't know if it's true, but Wikipedia says that the dogs (with a lineage) from Georgia are better and more uniform than those of other regions.

How are you conducting your search?

I'm currently looking at images of Caucasian Mountain Dogs shown at:


Looks like a lot of breeders have posted images there.

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Edmond, I want to send you some pictures of the dogs, but I do not know how to get the pictures to you. Any ideas? I am still learning Substack.

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Sure. Use your e-mail address and email me at epare2x@maine.rr.com. That's an email address that I am currently cleaning out and will eventually discontinue. I will then email you back using my primary email address that I monitor every day. This way, if we want, we can converse privately without being on substack.

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Wikipedia must be wrong. All 5 of our Ovcharkas were of champion blood lines, hence the breeders. All 5 never had a problem with dysplasia in their hips or elbows as we fed them a raw food diet aka the BARF diet. The one I have left is 14 or 15 years old. These dogs usually do not live past 12. They were always healthy and strong. Never took them to the vet. Never vaccinated them. Never got them spayed or neutered as they were working dogs in need of their hormones to keep them strong and healthy. I have pictures for you, but I do not know how to send them to you. Is there a chat on Substack that will allow pictures?

It is true, the best Caucasian Mountain Dogs are from Georgia, Ukraine. Yagoda, (means little berry in Russian so said her prior owner) was an import from Georgia. 'She was a credit to her breed' I would always say to her.

Dog search: https://www.rescueme.org/

PAWS: https://www.nopawsleftbehinddogrescueorovillewa.com/

Images is a good idea, I will be using images to search as well. I've been going to images as the algorithms are awful and useless. Looks like you do the same.

BARF Diet for Dogs: A Comprehensive Guide: https://www.darwinspet.com/resources/raw-pet-food-diets/barf-diet.html

When we butcher a ram, the dogs get the guts, bones, some fat and meat scraps. Their base diet is dehydrated fruits and vegetables. We add raw meat scraps or milk and cheese to their food. The cheese we made from our goats. Every thing from our little farm is organic.

Honest Kitchen Dog Food - https://www.thehonestkitchen.com/products/dehydrated-grain-free-fruit-and-veggie-base-mix-dog-food?variant=42498516582650




Dehydrated sweet potatoes, dehydrated peas, dehydrated cabbage, dried organic coconut, dried apples, dried bananas, dehydrated spinach, dehydrated pumpkin, dehydrated celery, dehydrated organic honey, dried organic kelp, minerals [tricalcium phosphate, potassium chloride, choline chloride, zinc amino acid chelate, iron amino acid chelate, potassium iodide, copper amino acid chelate, sodium selenite], taurine, vitamins [vitamin E supplement, vitamin B12 supplement, thiamine mononitrate (vitamin B1), calcium pantothenate (vitamin B5), riboflavin (vitamin B2), vitamin D3 supplement].

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Thanks. Lots to read above, plus I still need to read what you sent me the other day, asking me to look at it.

Went shopping Saturday and could not find any of the organic Greek whole milk plain Stonyfield yogurt I give my pup with every meal; so, we had to order some which finally came in today. That chewed up 3 hours driving to and from to get it, because, of course, I had to stop at some other stores. (-:

For the life of me the other day, I could not remember rescueme.org which is where I found my last white 105 lb German shepherd, Blitz,. I love that website. When I first saw Blitz on that site, he was lying on his right side, with his head to the left of the screen, cocking it up, looking up at me, as if to say, "yeah...what do you want?" -- I contacted his owner and drove from Maine to Georgia to meet her and Blitz and do the adoption. It was late February and I didn't want to have him shipped or ferried in the cold. -- I lost him this past January...I loved him sooo much...

When I get your email address, I'll send you some photos. (-:

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Love your homestead!

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J'ai commencé le traitement. griffe du chat et L'ivermectine est dosée à 12 mg, d'après l'ami qui me l'a envoyée : une dose IVM pendant 3 jours, et reprise après une semaine. Loin des repas.

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C'est génial Ar ! 12 mg d'ivermectine? Est-ce que c'est la quantité que vous prenez? Et la griffe de chat, combien de mg?

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12 mg... j'ai pris 3 fois. Je dois attendre quelques jours pour en reprendre. Griffes de chat 400 mg (2 capsules). L'IVM est plus efficace...

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Hello Ar, Ivermectin does not stop the mRNA from turning your cells in to Spike Protein factories in your body. Give Cat's Claw some time as you are not taking enough of it daily. The less you take, the slower it will work. When I 'WAS' infected, I took Ct's Claw 5 to 10 thousand mg per day. Now that I am not infected, I take 1 to 3 thousand mg per day for protection and maintenance. In 1 week I will stop taking Cat's Claw daily and only take CC before and after I go around people which is every Saturday for shopping. Keep taking the herbs your friend Ben gives you along with the Cat's Claw and Ivermectin. The more herbs against the BioWeapon you take, the faster you should detox.

Bonjour Ar, l'ivermectine n'empêche pas l'ARNm de transformer vos cellules en usines de protéines de pointe dans votre corps. Donnez un peu de temps à la griffe de chat car vous n'en prenez pas assez quotidiennement. Moins vous en prenez, plus cela fonctionnera lentement. Quand j'ai été infecté, j'ai pris Ct's Claw 5 à 10 mille mg par jour. Maintenant que je ne suis plus infecté, je prends 1 à 3 000 mg par jour pour la protection et l'entretien. Dans 1 semaine, j'arrêterai de prendre Cat's Claw tous les jours et je ne prendrai CC qu'avant et après avoir fait le tour des gens, c'est-à-dire tous les samedis pour faire du shopping. Continuez à prendre les herbes que votre ami Ben vous donne avec la griffe de chat et l'ivermectine. Plus vous prenez d'herbes contre l'arme biologique, plus vite vous devriez vous désintoxiquer.

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Je peux en prendre plus de griffe du chat ! Mais l'IVM est limité... Je ne comprends pas cette histoire de Spike car le dr Ana n'en trouve pas dans les fioles... ??? Ma respiration est de plus en plus difficile !

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Your breathing is getting harder because the vax makes it hard for the red blood cells to carry oxygen. The vax causes fatigue. When I was infected, the first thing I noticed was my heart hurt and I had trouble breathing.

Votre respiration devient de plus en plus difficile parce que le vaccin empêche les globules rouges de transporter l'oxygène. Le vaccin provoque de la fatigue. Quand j'ai été infectée, la première chose que j'ai remarquée, c'est que j'avais mal au cœur et que j'avais du mal à respirer.

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Tout est juste SAUF QUE je ne suis pas vacciné !!! I suppose you taldkabout shedding... since I take cat'sclaw, my urine is very yellow... a clue ? which is is strange because I drink a lot of herb teas and it should be tranparent.

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The mRNA mutates the cells in to making Spike Proteins. The Spike Proteins, (SP) attack your internal organs, including your brain. This is why there are no SP in the vials. The SP are made inside the cells of your body because the mRNA mutates the cells in to making the SP. This is why Anti-Mutagenic herbs are so important, they stop the MRNA from mutating the cells in to SP factories. This is where the SP smell comes from. Does this make sense?

The more Cat's Claw and Sweet Wormwood, the better.

L'ARNm mute les cellules pour fabriquer des protéines de pointe. Les protéines Spike (SP) attaquent vos organes internes, y compris votre cerveau. C'est pourquoi il n'y a pas de SP dans les flacons. Les SP sont fabriqués à l'intérieur des cellules de votre corps parce que l'ARNm mute les cellules pour fabriquer le SP. C'est pourquoi les herbes anti-mutagènes sont si importantes, elles empêchent l'ARNm de muter les cellules en usines SP. C'est de là que vient l'odeur SP. Cela a-t-il un sens? Plus il y a de griffe de chat et d'absinthe douce, mieux c'est.

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Geneva, You seem to have forgotten the fact that I am not vaccinated ! I suffer wether from shedding or dental anesthesics.

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For your heart the Cat's Claw will fix. It is an herb that works on your heart too. You neeDoes Ben have the following herbs for your heart:

-Ginko biloba good for your heart and brain: https://herbpathy.com/Uses-and-Benefits-of-Ginko-Biloba-Cid1314

-Turmeric good for your heart and brain: https://herbpathy.com/Uses-and-Benefits-of-Turmeric-Cid387

Gotu kola: is good for your heart and brain: https://www.gotukola.com/health-benefits/cardiovascular-benefits-of-gotu-kola

All 3 stop the micro-clotting

All 3 are 'Anti_Mutagenic' herbs to stop the SP from attacking your heart

All 3 stop the inflammation in your heart

All 3 are good for your heart

Pour votre cœur, la griffe du chat se fixera. C'est une herbe qui agit aussi sur votre cœur. Vous neeEst-ce que Ben a les herbes suivantes pour votre cœur : -Ginko biloba bon pour le cœur et le cerveau : https://herbpathy.com/Uses-and-Benefits-of-Ginko-Biloba-Cid1314 -Curcuma bon pour le cœur et le cerveau : https://herbpathy.com/Uses-and-Benefits-of-Turmeric-Cid387 Gotu kola : est bon pour le cœur et le cerveau : https://www.gotukola.com/health-benefits/cardiovascular-benefits-of-gotu-kola Tous les 3 arrêtent la micro-coagulation Tous les 3 sont des herbes « Anti_Mutagenic » pour empêcher le SP d'attaquer votre cœur Tous les 3 arrêtent l'inflammation dans votre cœur Tous les 3 sont bons pour votre cœur

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I saw the cardiologist 3 days ago>. Perfect according to her !!?

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I "work" with the herbs, I have here...except CC... you would see the amount of products I have !

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Geneva, as I cannot have IVM here, I use Artemisia instead. dr david nixon told me to do so. What do you think ?

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Remember? I told you Sweet Wormwood aka Artemisia is good for you against the BioWeapon.

It is probably the next best thing for the BioWeapon. Artemisia and Cat's Claw together are very good for you against the BioWeapon. Cat's claw will remove the Spike Proteins, but slowly, not as fast as Ivermectin.

You have your 'best' French clay ever, that is good too. You have Pine Needles for Pine tea, that is good against the BioWeapon.

Ar you have what you need against the BioWeapon. I prefer you take Ivermectin, but it is too hard for Europeans to secure. No IVM, then Cat's Claw will take care of the Spike Proteins. The French Clay will help bind to the SP and remove them from your body, at least in theory. As long as you are taking all of the above and Cat's Claw, you should be fine. Did you see my post on making your own HCQ at home? and Today's post is how to make NattoKainase at home.

I must get going Ar. I have morning farm chores to do. I have an animal that got cut by a bobcat. She was bleeding pretty bad. I want to check on her wound. We put powdered Stinging Nettle on it to stop the bleeding. She is doing much better now, but i want to check on her wound, make sure the nettle is scabbing the wound.

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Tx Geneva, you are such a kind person. You gave me the right idea... I support financially a shelter for horses, poneys, etc. I got the vet on the phone and I may get some IVM there... a white lie.

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Husband and I can only get Ivermectin horse paste. Heard IVM people pills are tainted with the BioWeapon. No bad news about the horse paste being tainted so far, so good. My friend in Germany, David, gets Ivermectin for wild birds and that is what he takes. We get our 'ideas' which I believe are inspired. It sounds good to get in touch with the vet.

As for your good heart, Thank you Ar for helping and supporting animals in need such as horses and ponies. It is a large financial commitment indeed. You helped the horses and ponies with love and shelter, in return, they will help you with IVM which is difficult to secure in Europe. You saved their lives, now they will save you, for now while it is available.

Stock up on IVM as much as you can, every chance you get. Not only for you, but for the animals too. You need about a year worth. If you do as Dr. Aranda recommends, you can cut 12 months, 1 year in half to 6 months worth spread out over 1 year. Make sense? Remember? what Dr. Aranda mentioned about taking 30 mg of fat, (3 small avocados) and vitamin D with your IVM. I imagine you could do the same with the animals too. 30 mg of fat, grain has fat, vitamin D from vet with less dose of IVM. This way it will be readily absorbable and last longer, it delivers the vitamin D in to the cells. All a good recipe for horses, ponies and your wallet.

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Hi there, I look forward to an updated article as to how your mother is getting on now, very well we can only hope !

Also, for your information I have a published (peer reviewed) case study

'Influenza A associated Binocular Diplopia and concomitant accelerated myopia post COVID-19 mRNA Biological Injection'

which I have popped onto my substack


in the hope it may be beneficial to you and your readership

(I hope ok to link it here)

Love, Sarah

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Hello Sarah Penrose. Thank you for your the link you share. I appreciated that as the more we share information that works, the more we win against these luciferians in political positions of power trying to kill us off for their pathetic, impotent dark lord luci.

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As for my mother. Thank you for inquiring about her. Several people have asked about her progress. I will tell you what I told them.

My mother was 90 years old. She had Alzheimer's for 25 years before she got injected. When she came to me she was in full blown Alzheimer's. Hubby and I had her here with us for 7 months. We detoxed her with Cat's Claw and Ivermectin 'while supporting' her failing body systems crashing from an over load of Spike Proteins I suspect. For example: her kidneys were failing. I gave her a medicinal herbal tea blend for kidney failure. No tea, no pee. Her kidney situation got better fast. Her heart was causing all kinds of pain, I gave her a medicinal heart tea blend. Her heart pain went away. Her legs were so huge, she could not walk with out pain. Husband had to carry her to the bath room. Cat's Claw got the swelling in her lower extremities down to normal.

After 3 months of intesnse detox with her, she got better. She had more energy, her chief complaints were gone. She could walk again.

I am sorry Sarah. I have to go finish farm chores. I will resume in a few hours.

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Good Morning Sarah, Thank you for your wonderful and informative comment.

I love and appreciate your comments. Keep them coming: https://genevathatcher.substack.com/p/comments-are-valuable-exchanges-of?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2

When I have more time i should very much like to read your article.

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Back to my mother. She was already in the advanced stages of Alzheimer's disease.

She was detoxed, her internal organs were no longer swollen. Her legs were no longer swollen. Every thing seemed good, but by the 7th month of having her here, she stopped eating, drinking and crossed over 2 weeks later.

Did Alzheimer's disease kill my mother or was it the BioWeapon? I believe it was the Alzheimer's when taking her age in to consideration, the fact she had Alzheimer's for 25 years prior to getting vaxxed. The vax probably contributed to her crossing, I may never know for sure.

Love back at you Sarah❣️

Father God bless you and yours with health and safety.

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This was a helpful video while my mother was here with us. May be it will be helpful to some one else: What are the Stages of Alzheimer’s Disease? Symptoms of Late-to-End-Stage Alzheimer’s Disease - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8WsCy6m_Bg&t=2s 7:25 min.

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Great that you are doing all this. I am a big fan of Cat's Claw and have used it extensively with patients. It is one of the most powerful herbal medicines. I went to Peru where it is very respectfully harvested. People underestimate the power of sacred plant medicines to help humans. It is true that the bioweapons and chemtrails are full to the brim with graphene nanotoxins etc. However, when people only bow down to the technological data, they are subscribing their subconscious minds and fortifying the enemy without realizing it. They have gone astray and have lost faith in nature and its divine origins.

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"They have gone astray and have lost faith in nature and its divine origins."

Unfortunately dear Dr. Corrin, you are right. Hopefully that will change. Conventional and Plant medicine can and do work together, possibly synergize each other in some cases. I was surprised to realize Ivermectin works inconjuction with Cat's Claw against the Bioweapon.

As an AntiMutagenic herb, it stops the mRNA from mutating the cells in to Spike Protein factories.

Cat's Claw root would be ideal as the root is stronger than the inner bark, but for some reason, the root is prohibited to harvest, yet Cat's Claw is prolific and considered a pest vine in Australia.

Ivermectin binds to the Spike Proteins and removes them from the body. Please forgive me if I am mentioning things you already know. (There are those who read the comments and glean answers sought).

My mother detoxed with Cat'sClaw and Ivermectin for 3 months. While detoxing, we supported her failing body systems with herbal blends. For example: She was in kidney crisis of some kind. I gave her an herbal kidney blend tea. No tea, no pee. The same for her heart and brain.

She was on 20 or 30 Rx medications, typical for seniors. I looked up their side effects, almost all of them had diarrhea in common. My mother had diarrhea non stop.

She demonstrated nearly all the side effects of her pills. I replaced all her Rx meds with herbs that did the same, but better. I took her off of her pills cold turkey. She had no complications, no problems at all. If any thing, she got better, fast. The side effects stopped. Not the diarrhea, that got better, but it took a while to go away.

If I could have only one herb, I would go with Cat's Claw.

Of all the herbs I looked at, Cat's Claw seems to be the herb that does the most against the BioWeapon and so much more.

The more we fight back and survive this BioWeapon attack, the more we win against these pedophile luciferians in positions of power, abusing their power for their feckless, impotent dark lord luci. Their time is coming to an end.

Thank you for your comment Dr. Corrin.

Father God's blessings be up on you and yours.

Your patients are lucky/blessed to have you.

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That is such an inspiring report to show people how you successfully detoxed your elderly mother through a combination of Cat's Claw and Ivermectin, and by taking her off the medley of all those awful meds they push on seniors (utterly disgraceful). Cat's Claw has so many benefits and modes of action it has to count as one of the greatest super-herbs. (Do you also ever use Desmodium andescens?) The synergy of the various phyto-chemicals in CC (even the # of them) still eludes scientific knowledge. Uncaria tomentosa (better than Guiaensis) is used for dysentery and diarrhea in many S. American countries, so I am quite sure it helped your mother. Yes, it is anti-cancer, anti-leukemia, anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, cyto-protective, immuno-stimulatory, detoxifying and more. It treats deep wounds, abscess, arthritic, tumors. It is used as a pharmaceutical in Switzerland to treat intestinal cancer and as an anti-metastatic. I believe you when you say it can help degrade the graphene and hydrogel even if it hasn't been tested and proven. The fact you report synergy with an antiparasitic such as Ivermectin is very important news. It may also work synergistically with Fenbendazole in that case or with antiparasitic herbs to degrade the bioweapon's self assemblage potency. You are doing very important work. I have recommended your substack. Thank you for being a strong ally in this fight. I knew I had to send out that lion post! The answer is only going to come when people remember their true origins, and show love and deep respect for nature and the Creator. Meanwhile, we do whatever we can and we don't give up or give in :)

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Maybe so. I never have prescribed Ivermectin or directly recommended it to anyone. There are better methods to use. Ivermectin does have issues of toxicity, and I also know of horses that have died after shortly being given Ivermectin. However, I am not going to deny the clinical results if people have been able to recover from serious illness by using it.

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Hello Dr. Corrin,

Many are avoiding Ivermectin. My hubby and I take Ivermectin Horse Paste. We have not had any all winter long, but come time for the Farmer's Market, we get back on it. Also, when we are heavily chemtrailed, 'every one' at the Farmer's Market looks grey and sick. So sad.

Here are some links I share with those who do not want to take Ivermectin.

Perhaps the links will help:

Spike Protein Detox Guide: https://worldcouncilforhealth.org/resources/spike-protein-detox-guide/

15 Foods/Herbs High in Shikimic Acid to Help Disable Spike Protein & GOx: https://deeprootsathome.com/foods-superherbs-high-in-shikimic-acid/

World Council for Health Reveals Spike Protein Detox: https://archive.ph/hKbmD#selection-347.0-347.52

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I completely trust your reports and I also do not ever discourage anyone from taking Ivermectin either if they choose to. I was simply responding to the person who wrote that skeptical note on your thread. The reason I do not use Ivermectin is basically just because I use Chlorine Dioxide Solution in a myriad of ways with amazing effects, and this is because of lengthy training and experience in it. I believe CDS (used knowledgeably) to be the best methods for detoxing the trails and the jabs, and even feel it can save humanity. Once again, I want to explicitly honor and support the work you are doing for your suffering community. Your results are so encouraging and inspiring. I have recommended your stack too to all readers. Warm Regards.

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I am humbled and thankful for your your recommendation of my Substack Dr. Corrin.

Thank you so very much for your encouragement with Cat's Claw. I use to be on GAB until I got shadow banned. My Cat's Claw and Ivermectin post was deleted from my GAB account, I had pinned to my page. Thankfully I had a back up of the Cat's claw and Ivermectin post, but I lost all those great comments from people. Must be over the target.

As you know, Cat's Claw is an AntiParasitic, Antimicrobial, AntiCancer and I heard it is a Parasite 'Biofilm Disruptor,' immune system rejuvenator. This is why I believe Cat's Claw is what got rid of my mother's Spinal Tumor. It took about 8 weeks, the tumor on her spine was completely gone.

I am sorry, I never heard of Desmodium andescens aka Tick Clover. At a glance, it seems good for lungs: tuberculosis, allergies, bronchitis, asthma, bronchial relaxant, respiratory diseases and then some: https://herbpathy.com/Uses-and-Benefits-of-Desmodium-Adscendens-Cid4404

It is good for pain, joint pain, anticonvulsive, antispasmodic, detoxicant, muscle relaxer, antihistamine, blood purifier, diuretic, vulnerary, anti-inflammatory, bronchial relaxant, laxative.

Herbpathy.com is a site owned and operated by medical doctors in India. They treat their patients with conventional medicines and medicinal plants. As you know, India is a plethora of exotic, medicinal plant medicines, one of which is Cat's Claw. You may find this site useful Dr. Corrin.

For example, Benefits of Cat's Claw: https://herbpathy.com/Uses-and-Benefits-of-Cat's-Claw-Cid2264

Take care and thank you for your kind words.

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Yes, thanks, I think I know that Indian site.

Desmodium grows well in Peru and has a natural affinity with Cat's Claw. It's main areas of therapeutic effect are on the lungs/bronchi and on the liver. It is highly effective for coughs and asthma, "viral" upper respiratory infections, and extremely helpful for elevated liver enzymes and liver congestion, especially when taken along with breakstone herb (for fatty liver, gallstones etc.)

Here is the database originally compiled by Linda Ticker:


I am so sorry to hear you got shadow banned on Gab and lost the comments. Your healing of your Mom's spinal tumor with CC is amazing and inspiring. I hope my encouragement feels meaningful to you.

I have just ordered some more Cat's Claw and Desmodium tinctures from Whole World Botanicals in New York for my partner to bring back to CH:)

Best Regards!

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Thank you for the link. I will look in to it.

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❤️ Thank you for the inforamtion on Demodium, I am looking forward to learning more about it.

Father God Bless you and yours with safety and health.

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"And God said, 'Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit; you shall have them for food." (Genesis 1:29, RSV). If we add to this the Hippocratic idea of food being medicine--we can see yet another example of the glory, the love, of divine providence. Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful experience, of your mother's healing, via plant-based medicine, with the world.

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Exploring the Use of Herbs in the Bible: https://godsverse.org/exploring-the-use-of-herbs-in-the-bible/

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I would pass on ivermectin .. and just try the cats claw by itself. Agent131711 has interesting write up on damages of ivermectin .. I’ll see if I can grab the link .

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Hi there Froggy. I understand. Many are avoiding Ivermectin. My hubby and I take Ivermectin Horse Paste. We have not had any all winter long, but come time for the Farmer's Market, we get back on it. Also, when we are heavily chemtrailed, 'every one' at the Farmer's Market looks grey and sick. So sad.

Here are some good ideas I share with those who do not want to take Ivermectin.

Perhaps it will help:

Spike Protein Detox Guide: https://worldcouncilforhealth.org/resources/spike-protein-detox-guide/

15 Foods/Herbs High in Shikimic Acid to Help Disable Spike Protein & GOx: https://deeprootsathome.com/foods-superherbs-high-in-shikimic-acid/

World Council for Health Reveals Spike Protein Detox: https://archive.ph/hKbmD#selection-347.0-347.52

Best Wishes Froggy

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Thanks for all the info! My heart tells me food grade diatomaceous earth. On one week, off one week. repeat. What do you think? I well get some cat-claw. ty! Much Love from Florida.

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.” Pierre Chardin

sorry I just realized the dates listed. (2023) lol how did I get here...

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Hi there Curtis Lowe. Yes, diatomaceous earth would be good to bind to and remove the Spike Proteins, well in theory. DE also get rid of parasites. The following is a good article by Dr. Axe. There is much more to the article, I just added below the 'how to' about DE as you must drink extra water while taking some thing so drying to your system.

How to Use DE: https://draxe.com/nutrition/diatomaceous-earth/#How_to_Use

You may have wondered, “Is diatomaceous earth toxic or healthy for humans?”

Diatomaceous earth is safe for humans and animals to consume, and it’s also beneficial for skin — so it’s used both inside and outside the body. Just be sure to check the source, and make sure your product is food-grade. Skip using internally if it is not.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration lists food-grade diatomaceous earth as “Generally Recognized as Safe,” which means that it’s legally allowed to be added to many different types of foods, beverages and supplements. Small amounts of silica are normally present in all body tissues and usually found in urine, too, so it’s well-tolerated and not known to cause many side effects.

Today there are over 150 pesticide-related products registered for use both indoors and outdoors that contain diatomaceous earth. There are also thousands of non-pesticide, food-grade diatomaceous earth products that are used on the skin, in food, in products for pets, and in supplements or medications.

There are a number of ways to use diatomaceous earth. Some of the most popular diatomaceous earth uses include:

pet nutrition products

products used on pets like dogs and cats to kill fleas

bed bug-killing treatments

sprays and products used for pest control, including cockroaches, crickets, fleas, ticks, spiders

rodent sprays

water filters

skin care products


foods and beverages, such as in beer and wine

anti-caking and clarifying ingredients used in food manufacturing

supplements and medicines

rubbers and paints used in construction

abrasive products used as defoliators and for cleaning

Here are the recommended tips to subscribe to for safe use of diatomaceous earth as a detoxification agent and to protect bones and joints (but always consult with your health care provider before starting a new supplement routine):

Take about one teaspoon of food-grade diatomaceous earth with liquid once a day. It’s best used on an empty stomach at least one hour before or two hours after eating.

Drink an additional cup after each dose of diatomaceous earth to improve its effects. In general, make sure to consume plenty of water with diatomaceous earth and stay hydrated.

Increase your dosage slowly over several weeks, working your way up from one teaspoon to two teaspoons daily, or one tablespoon max. Split the dosage into two parts taken in the morning and one at night.

Take diatomaceous earth 10 days on and 10 days off for 90 days to effectively and safely detox. Another strategy is to take it daily for a few weeks at a time as you track symptoms, stopping and starting again throughout the year. It’s safest when you give your body breaks and don’t use it continuously for very long periods of time.

As a note of caution, initially you might notice some mild side effects that can develop as your gut environment changes, yeast dies off and your body releases stored toxins. This can include mild headaches, fatigue and flu-like symptoms, which should diminish within a couple weeks.

Wondering what diatomaceous earth tastes like? If you eat diatomaceous earth, you’ll find that it’s basically tasteless and has a rough, gritty texture.

You can take it with liquid, even enhancing the taste with juice, yogurt or a smoothie if you prefer. It won’t dissolve when mixed into liquid, so it’s normal to see some residue. You can stir vigorously before consumption to break it up, but it’s still going to leave behind some chalkiness and a gritty texture, which is why disguising it is a a good tip.

Here’s how to use diatomaceous earth in your home:

Brush and vacuum carpets or any area where you think bugs, insects or fleas could be lurking. This will improve the efficacy of diatomaceous earth for fleas and other pest problems because it aggravates them and gets them to move, which allows diatomaceous earth to work better.

Apply diatomaceous earth powder where needed in your home, yard, carpets, car, etc. Rub the powder into the carpets with a broom. Use enough to finely cover the surface but not too much that it’s easy to breathe in a lot.

Let the powder sit for about four to 12 hours before vacuuming. It’s recommended that you repeat this process once a week for a total of three to four weeks. This process can be done every few years or as needed.

The same with Bentonite Clay: Bentonite Clay: A Natural Way To Detox from Fungus/Candida and Parasites - https://genevathatcher.substack.com/p/bentonite-clay-a-natural-way-to-detox?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2

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I mix a TSP of Food grade DE with 40 oz of water. Mix well and drink it over the day.

ty for the info!

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From my GAB days:



Bentonite Clay and Diatomaceous Earth for the Removal of Toxins and Graphene Hydroxide/Oxide, (Heavy Metals) from the Body

For more details on how they work, Bentonite Clay and Diatomaceous Earth, see my post on each. Scroll down my home page to post.

Bentonite Clay and Diatomaceous Earth both bind to Heavy Metals, Toxins and remove them from the body. Graphene Hydroxide/Oxide is a Heavy Metal.

Article by Dr. Axe: Bentonite Clay - How It Works https://draxe.com/nutrition/10-bentonite-clay-benefits-uses/

DE Detox: For the removal of Toxins and For Heavy Metal Detoxification https://diatomaceous.org/heavy-metal-detoxification/

Cleanse Your Body with Diatomaceous Earth https://www.diatomaceousearth.com/blogs/learning-center/de-detox-cleanse-your-body-with-diatomaceous-earth

Diatomaceous Earth Food Grade Parasite Cleanse https://medicinal-foods.com/diatomaceous-earth-food-grade-parasite-cleanse/

Bendonite Clay for the Removal of Graphene Hydroxide from the Body Article by Dr. Axe:

Bentonite Clay - How It Works https://draxe.com/nutrition/10-bentonite-clay-benefits-uses/

It is imperative you drink extra water when ingesting diatomaceous earth and bentonite clay. Both are dehydrating to the system. You need to stay hydrated with lots of water.

I recommend a 50/50 mix of DE and BC in a large glass of water and drink, follow directions below. Detoxing with Bentonite Clay, (BC) and Diatomaceous Earth, (DE) is easy.

Simply follow these steps:

Step 1: Take about 1/2 teaspoon of food grade bentonite clay and 1/2 tsp of diatomaceous earth combined makes 1 tsp. Mix in to water once a day and drink. Take it on an empty stomach at least one hour before or two hours after eating. BC & DE is nearly tasteless, but if you don't like its mildly gritty texture, try taking it in juice, yogurt, or a smoothie.

Step 2: Over the next few weeks, slowly raise your BC & DE dosage from one teaspoon to two teaspoons, taking one in the morning and one teaspoon at night. We recommend taking up to a tablespoon per day.

Step 3: Be sure to drink plenty of EXTRA water throughout each day to keep your system hydrated.

Step 4: In her book, All the Green Things You Can Do with and Diatomaceous Earth, Tui Rose suggests taking DE 10 days on and 10 days off for 90 days, though many people have found different strategies that work for them.

Some take it daily for a few weeks, others for years at a time. Experiment and see what works for you. 'Listen to your body.'

10 Amazing Uses for Diatomaceous Earth in the Home | Wellness Mama http://wellnessmama.com/

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Please make sure DE and Clay are human grade quality.

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Always food grade, yep! I have both DE and Bentonite Clay that is mixed with DE. Is the Ivermectin horse paste still OK/safe to use?

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Ivermectin Horse Paste, 1.87% is what we use.

There are those who say it is tainted. Pray before buying and listen to your feelings. If you get a weird or bad feeling about the Ivermectin Horse Paste you are just about to buy, don’t buy it. Try another horse paste brand.

God bless you to intuitively know which horse paste to buy. May our Father God guide you, bless you with health and safety.

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Pierre Chardin is right, being a human mortal with a material body is not the norm for us. We are Spirit children of our Heavenly Father having physical experiences on a physical world in rebellion, the lucifer rebellion.

We go through experiences be them good or bad, in the physical body, where we learn and grow Spiritually at leaps and bounds things we could never learn in Spirit.

The Spirit Children of Father God, who come here to this world in rebellion, are the creme de la creme of Spirits. We are the bravest of the brave of Spirit Children. We could of easily chosen to go to a world not in rebellion, say a world in the Pleadies. A Pleadian world would not be in rebellion, would be far more Spiritually Advanced and Technologically Advanced.

In order to become technologically more advanced, a world has to be more Spiritually Advanced as there is a lot of responsibility with advanced technology.

The more Spiritually Advanced a world is, the higher their level is. Our world is at level '0.'

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Jun 1
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❤️💖💜💞 Wow, Beautiful❣️

Thank you for sharing.

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I have a moment now. I want to tell you, you are soooooooo right about the 'love' presence on other worlds not in rebellion. Curtis, you my dear sound like a Child of the Stars re-incarnated on a world in Rebellion, the lucifer rebellion. How so very brave of you dear. Many brave Children of the Stars re-incarnated here in hopes of helping our world raise it's frequency. We are still at 0. It is harder to live on a world in rebellion than you re-incarnated Children of the Stars thought it would be.

You are so right! The Kingdom of God is With In each of Us. Such true and beautiful things you know about Curtis Loew.

When the rebellion ends, in the future, our world will feel the love where ever one goes. It will take many life times to get there, but it is coming to this, 'the world of the cross,' so is the name our world is called by the Children of the Stars.

Yes, Heaven on Earth is coming. The rebirth of Mother Earth is coming too. This is the world Jesus chose to do His 'bestowal mission' on. This is Jesus' 'Bestowal World.' Many things must be reborn, such as Earth, before He comes back, and He will, but not any time soon.

I understand what you mean by the 'love' you felt. W/o going in to too much details....one day I walked in to my bath room to grab some thing. I heard Cosmic Sister say to me: "This is what it feels like on our world where ever you go." Then I felt a love that was comforting and all around me in the bath room. I immediately started crying because I was so sad for our world and the lack of love there in.

May our Paradise Father keep you and yours safe and healthy Curtis.

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Jul 7
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This guy Stephan Burns is all over the Schuman Resounace:

Schuman Resounace Playlist


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My love, I am sorry to find out you losing a child. How heart breaking.

Jesus showing you He has your child and your child is in good hands. So loving and wonderful of Jesus to show you such a vision. May our Father God bless you and yours Curtis with peace, love and happiness.

You are right, things are changing for the better, slowly at first. Once the luciferians are stopped and removed from the planet, things get fantastic for Americans and the world. The luciferians have been keeping humans down for eons. Us fighting back as much as we can is empowering. We humans are to do as much as we can, on our own against the luciferians. What we can not do, the New Adam and Eve will take care of publicly.

For what it is worth, my Angels told me about the new Adam and Eve 2 Witnesses who are already here, just waiting for Father God to ‘activate’ them.

One day the 2 witnesses are Adam and Eve reverted video showed up in my face, that is how my Angels get me to watch a particular video.

Angles told us, the Adam and Eve have been doing all kinds of work to help us against the luciferians in positions of power behind the scenes. They have been removing high up, unknown, powerful luciferians behind the scenes.

It feels to me like the 2 are going to start soon. We were told, the HUGE PNW earth quake and volcanoes go off. Things go from bad to worse as the international supply chain breaks down and comes to a stop. The economy crashes first, then the earth quakes and volcanoes go off. Things go from bad to worse for months. Donald is put in temporarily, bidan is removed by the military. Donald runs for prez and wins. Things start to get better and better for America first, then the rest of the world.

China has a civil war that results in 3 to 4 new prosperous countries. Commnunist China will be no more.

There is more, but that would take too long and things can change as man has his free will.

At some point the 2 are Activated and they go to work ‘publicly’ removing ‘famous,’ iniquitous luciferians off the planet. We will see videos taken by witnesses all over the internet of these two removing famous luciferians.

THE 2 WITNESSES are ADAM and EVE reverted 💑 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WW3m3pnOM84&t=3s 12:00 min.

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Hello Geneva, Thank you so much for your incredibly well-researched and comprehensive articles, and your amazing generosity with your precious time and knowledge, even in the very lengthy comments you so kindly provide!! I only discovered you this afternoon, and am very grateful! Many thanks, Pamela Richardson (from Ontario, Canada)

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Thank you so much for your kind, heart warming words Pamela❣️ I try to point people in the right direction. I have severe ADHD for an adult. What would take a non ADHD person a few hours to write, would take me 2 whole days, some times more. I wish I had the time to write as I enjoy writing and I feel it is more personable. I decided to put my time and efforts in to the comments. Thank you so much for noticing dearest Pamela Richardson of Ontario, Canada. I am 5 miles from the Canadian boarder. BC is my neighbor.

May our Paradise Father Bless you and yours with health and safety.

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Dear Geneva, How very kind of you to take time from your incredibly busy schedule to reply to me! Writing takes me a long time too, although I am very fortunate to be able to concentrate well most days. You certainly do engage amazingly well in the comments! It was actually one of your comments on another column that first brought you to my notice, because you kindly contributed information about how you had helped your mother heal by using herbal medicine, including Cat's Claw! Blessings to you and your loved ones!

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The same to you Pamela, but more of it❣️

Thank you Pamela ❤️ It is nice to receive encouragement.

May I ask, are you in the PNW?

👉Comments are valuable exchanges of information from like minded people. Let's continue to learn and glean from each other: https://genevathatcher.substack.com/p/comments-are-valuable-exchanges-of

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Dear Geneva, Thank you for your lovely comment! Yes, I agree that appreciation and encouragement can be so uplifting, especially when we are working incredibly hard to help people, and doing it all for free! I am in Ontario, Canada (near Toronto). I also lived in Australia for 14 wonderful years - beautiful country, lovely people. I am heartbroken about what has happened to Australia since the start of Covid. Certain countries are apparently being particularly targeted with many destructive actions, including Canada, Australia, New Zealand, USA and United Kingdom, plus much of Europe. Stay strong and free!

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